Welcome to Environmental Science

The Applied Ecology Unit (AEU) which has a strong track record in applied ecological research, is surrounded by some of the most pristine ecosystems in Europe making it a great place to undertake ecological research. We undertake applied ecological research on internationally famous ecosystems such as disappearing lakes (turloughs), peatlands, unregulated flood meadows and coastal grasslands (machairs).
We are also particularly interested in terrestrial invertebrates (Carabidae, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Mollusca) as bioindicators of habitat quality and/or their ecosystem functions including biological control as well as rare and protected invertebrate species.
MSc, PhD and Postdoctoral Research
We welcome enquiries from suitably qualified individuals about undertaking postgraduate and postdoctoral research in the AEU. Contact Professor Mike Gormally at mike.gormally@nuigalway.ie.