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Staff Profiles
Dr Anne Marie Power
Contact Details
Dept. of Zoology
Room 226, Martin Ryan Institute
NUI Galway
T: Ext. 3015
E: annemarie.power@nuigalway.ie

Research Interests
Research Projects
Project | Start Date | End Date | |
The Diversity and Resilience of kelp ecosystems in Ireland | 07-JAN-19 | 06-JUN-21 | |
CephsandChefs (Interreg) | 01-DEC-17 | 30-NOV-20 | |
Libyan Embassy - Sumeia Salem M Elgumati - Anne Maire Power | 01-MAY-14 | 31-AUG-19 | |
BINDING 09/RFP/MTR2311 - ANNE MARIE POWER | 01-OCT-09 | 31-AUG-16 |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2018) | ''Cleaner fish use in Ireland''
Majbritt Bolton-Warberg, Stephen Murphy O’Sullivan, Amber Irwin Moore, Luke Wilson, Felix Sproll, Mohd Faizzi Bin Mohd Yusof, Jack D’Arcy, Dave Jackson, Anne Marie Power & Richard D. FitzGerald (2018) ''Cleaner fish use in Ireland'' In: Cleaner Fish Biology and Aquaculture Applications. Sheffield, UK: 5M Publishing Ltd. [Details] |
(2010) | 'Mechanisms of Adhesion in Adult Barnacles'
Power, AM;Klepal, W;Zheden, V;Jonker, J;McEvilly, P;von Byern, J (2010) 'Mechanisms of Adhesion in Adult Barnacles' In: Biological Adhesive Systems: From Nature to Technical and Medical Application. :153-168 BERLIN: SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. [Details] |
(2002) | 'The biology of chthamalid barnacles on Clare Island'
R.M. O'Riordan, A.A. Myers, D. McGrath, J. Delany, L. Harrington & A.M. Power (2002) 'The biology of chthamalid barnacles on Clare Island' In: Marine Intertidal Ecology, New Survey of Clare Island. Royal Irish Academy: Royal Irish Academy. [Details] |
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | 'Nature-based biomaterials and their application in biomedicine'
Troy E, Tilbury MA, Power AM, Wall JG (2021) 'Nature-based biomaterials and their application in biomedicine'. Polymers, 13 [Details] |
(2021) | 'On the diversity and distribution of a data deficient habitat in a poorly mapped region: the case of Sabellaria alveolata L. in Ireland'
L.B. Firth; S.J. Hawkins; A.M. Knights; J.A. Blaze; M.T. Burrows; S.F. Dubois; H. Edwards; A. Foggo; P.E. Gribben; L. Grant; D. Harris; N. Mieszkowska; F.L.D. Nunes; J.D. Nunn; A.M. Power; R.M. O¿Riordan; D. McGrath; C. Simkanin; N.E. O¿Connor; (2021) 'On the diversity and distribution of a data deficient habitat in a poorly mapped region: the case of Sabellaria alveolata L. in Ireland'. Marine Environmental Research, 169 [Details] |
(2021) | 'Nature-based biomaterials and their application in biomedicine'
E. Troy; M.A. Tilbury; A.M. Power; J.G. Wall; (2021) 'Nature-based biomaterials and their application in biomedicine'. Polymers, 13 (19) [Details] |
(2021) | 'A snapshot on composition and distribution of fish larvae across the North Atlantic Ocean'
M. Nasarudin Harith, C. O¿Donnell, G. Johnston, A.M. Power (2021) 'A snapshot on composition and distribution of fish larvae across the North Atlantic Ocean'. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 22 (10):4496-4504 [Details] |
(2022) | 'Multi-method approach shows stock structure in Loligo forbesii squid'
E. Sheerin; L. Barnwall; E. Abad; A. Larivain; D. Oesterwind; M. Petroni; C. Perales-Raya; J.-P. Robin; I. Sobrino; J. Valeiras; D. O¿Meara; G.J. Pierce; A.L. Allcock; A.M. Power; (2022) 'Multi-method approach shows stock structure in Loligo forbesii squid'. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | 'Identification of demersal egg masses and spawning grounds in commercial squid in the English Channel and Celtic Sea: Loligo vulgaris vs L. forbesii'
V. Laptikhovsky; G. Cooke; C. Barrett; S. Lozach; E. MacLeod; D. Oesterwind; E. Sheerin; M. Petroni; L. Barnwall; J.-P. Robin; L. Allcock; A.M. Power; (2021) 'Identification of demersal egg masses and spawning grounds in commercial squid in the English Channel and Celtic Sea: Loligo vulgaris vs L. forbesii'. Fisheries Research, 241 [DOI] [Details] |
(2022) | 'Long-term interannual variability in larval dispersal and connectivity of the Norway Lobster Nephrops norvegicus around Ireland: when supply-side matters'
R. McGeady; C. Lordan; A.M. Power; (2022) 'Long-term interannual variability in larval dispersal and connectivity of the Norway Lobster Nephrops norvegicus around Ireland: when supply-side matters'. Fisheries Oceanography, [Details] |
(2022) | 'Pedunculate cirripedes of the genus Pollicipes: 25 years after Margaret Barnes review'
T. Cruz; D. Jacinto; J.N. Fernandes; M.I. Seabra; R.J. Van Syoc; A.M. Power; G. Macho; A. Sousa; J.J. Castro; S.J. Hawkins (2022) 'Pedunculate cirripedes of the genus Pollicipes: 25 years after Margaret Barnes review'. Oceanography and Marine Biology an Annual Review, [Details] |
(2021) | 'Theoretical size at the onset of maturity and its density-dependent variability as an option in crustacean fisheries management'
C.A.d.S. Santana, C. Lordan, A.M. Power (2021) 'Theoretical size at the onset of maturity and its density-dependent variability as an option in crustacean fisheries management'. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | 'Specific niche requirements of an intertidal ecosystem engineer promote multidecadal stability of its geographical range in the face of climate warming'
L.B. Firth, D. Harris, J.A. Blaze, M. Marzloff, A. Boye, P. Miller, A. Curd, J. Nunn, N.E. O’Connor, A.M. Power, N. Mieszkowska, R. O’Riordan, M.T. Burrows, L. Bricheno, A.M. Knights, F.L.D. Nunes, F. Bordeyne, L.E. Bush, J.E. Byers, C. David, A.J. Davies, S. Dubois, H. Edwards, A. Foggo, L. Grant, P. Gribben, M. Green, F.P. Lima, D. McGrath, L.M.L.J. Noel, R. Seabra, C. Simkanin, M. Vasquez, S.J. Hawkins (2021) 'Specific niche requirements of an intertidal ecosystem engineer promote multidecadal stability of its geographical range in the face of climate warming'. Diversity and Distributions, 27 :668-683 [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | 'A review of recent studies on the life history and ecology of European cephalopods with emphasis on species with the greatest commercial fishery and culture potential'
F. Lishchenko, C. Perales-Raya, C. Barrett, D. Oesterwind, A.M. Power, A. Larivain, V. Laptikhovsky, A. Karatza, N. Badouvas, A. Lishchenko, G.J. Pierce (2021) 'A review of recent studies on the life history and ecology of European cephalopods with emphasis on species with the greatest commercial fishery and culture potential'. Fisheries Research, 236 [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | 'Omics-based molecular analyses of adhesion by aquatic invertebrates'
P. Davey, A.M. Power, R. Santos, P. Bertemes, P. Ladurner, P. Palmowski, J. Clarke, P. Flammang, B. Lengerer, E. Hennebert, U. Rothbaecher, R. Pjeta, J. Wunderer, M. Zurovec, N. Aldred (2021) 'Omics-based molecular analyses of adhesion by aquatic invertebrates'. Biological Reviews Of The Cambridge Philosophical Society, [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | 'New record of the invasive marine alga Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar in eastern Ireland'
K. Chan, K., K. Schoenrock, T. O’Callaghan, R. O’Callaghan, A.M. Powe (2021) 'New record of the invasive marine alga Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar in eastern Ireland'. Irish Naturalists Journal, [Details] |
(2021) | 'Revisiting amino acid analyses for bioadhesives including a direct comparison of tick attachment cement (Dermacentor marginatus) and barnacle cement (Lepas anatifera)'
B. Engel, J. Suppan, S. Nürnberger, A.M. Power, M. Marchetti-Deschmann (2021) 'Revisiting amino acid analyses for bioadhesives including a direct comparison of tick attachment cement (Dermacentor marginatus) and barnacle cement (Lepas anatifera)'. International Journal Of Adhesion And Adhesives, 105 [DOI] [Details] |
(2019) | 'Twilight migrators: factors determining larval vertical distribution in Nephrops norvegicus with implications for larval retention'
R. McGeady, C. Lordan, A.M. Power (2019) 'Twilight migrators: factors determining larval vertical distribution in Nephrops norvegicus with implications for larval retention'. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 631 :141-155 [Details] |
(2020) | 'A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network for Genetic Monitoring of Hard-Bottom Communities (ARMS-MBON)'
Obst, M;Exter, K;Allcock, AL;Arvanitidis, C;Axberg, A;Bustamante, M;Cancio, I;Carreira-Flores, D;Chatzinikolaou, E;Chatzigeorgiou, G;Chrismas, N;Clark, MS;Comtet, T;Dailianis, T;Davies, N;Deneudt, K;de Cerio, OD;Fortic, A;Gerovasileiou, V;Hablutzel, PI;Keklikoglou, K;Kotoulas, G;Lasota, R;Leite, BR;Loisel, S;Leveque, L;Levy, L;Malachowicz, M;Mavric, B;Meyer, C;Mortelmans, J;Norkko, J;Pade, N;Power, AM;Ramsak, A;Reiss, H;Solbakken, J;Stoehr, PA;Sundberg, P;Thyrring, J;Troncoso, JS;Viard, F;Wenne, R;Yperifanou, EL;Zbawicka, M;Pavloudi, C (2020) 'A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network for Genetic Monitoring of Hard-Bottom Communities (ARMS-MBON)'. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7 [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | 'Stable‐isotope analysis reveals the importance of soft‐bodied prey in the diet of lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula'
Alina M. Wieczorek, Anne Marie Power, Patricia Browne, Conor T. Graham (2018) 'Stable‐isotope analysis reveals the importance of soft‐bodied prey in the diet of lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula'. Journal Of Fish Biology, 93 :685-693 [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | 'Shift in the larval phenology of a marine ectotherm due to ocean warming with consequences for larval transport'
McGeady, R;Lordan, C;Power, AM (2021) 'Shift in the larval phenology of a marine ectotherm due to ocean warming with consequences for larval transport'. Limnology And Oceanography, 66 :543-555 [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Importance of suspended particulate organic matter in the diet of Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus, 1758)'
Santana, CAD;Wieczorek, AM;Browne, P;Graham, CT;Power, AM (2020) 'Importance of suspended particulate organic matter in the diet of Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus, 1758)'. Scientific Reports, 10 [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'A review of subtidal kelp forests in Ireland: From first descriptions to new habitat monitoring techniques'
Schoenrock, KM;Chan, KM;O'Callaghan, T;O'Callaghan, R;Golden, A;Krueger-Hadfield, SA;Power, AM (2020) 'A review of subtidal kelp forests in Ireland: From first descriptions to new habitat monitoring techniques'. Ecology And Evolution, 10 (13):6819-6832 [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Density-dependent growth in 'catch-and-wait' fisheries has implications for fisheries management and Marine Protected Areas'
Merder, J,Browne, P,Freund, JA,Fullbrook, L,Graham, C,Johnson, MP,Wieczorek, A,Power, AM (2020) 'Density-dependent growth in 'catch-and-wait' fisheries has implications for fisheries management and Marine Protected Areas'. Ambio, 49 :107-117 [DOI] [Details] |
(2019) | 'The expression and characterization of recombinant cp19k barnacle cement protein from Pollicipes pollicipes'
Tilbury, MA;McCarthy, S;Domagalska, M;Ederth, T;Power, AM;Wall, JG (2019) 'The expression and characterization of recombinant cp19k barnacle cement protein from Pollicipes pollicipes'. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 374 [DOI] [Details] |
(2019) | 'Field-recorded data on habitat, density, growth and movement of Nephrops norvegicus'
Power, AM;Merder, J;Browne, P;Freund, JA;Fullbrook, L;Graham, C;Kennedy, RJ;O'Carroll, JPJ;Wieczorek, AM;Johnson, MP (2019) 'Field-recorded data on habitat, density, growth and movement of Nephrops norvegicus'. Scientific Data, 6 [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | 'East-west spatial groupings in intertidal communities, environmental drivers and key species'
Merder, J,Freund, JA,Meysick, L,Simkanin, C,O'Riordan, RM,Power, AM (2018) 'East-west spatial groupings in intertidal communities, environmental drivers and key species'. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 98 :423-435 [DOI] [Details] |
(2017) | 'Comprehensive evaluation of passive tags show no adverse effects in an economically important crustacean'
Fullbrook, LR,Barrett, D,Browne, P,Eriksson, SP,Graham, CT,Hancox, L,Lauria, V,Ungfors, A,Johnson, MP,Power, AM (2017) 'Comprehensive evaluation of passive tags show no adverse effects in an economically important crustacean'. Fisheries Research, 187 :209-217 [DOI] [Details] |
(2016) | 'Growth in Nephrops norvegicus from a tag-recapture experiment'
Haynes, PS,Browne, P,Fullbrook, L,Graham, CT,Hancox, L,Johnson, MP,Lauria, V,Power, AM (2016) 'Growth in Nephrops norvegicus from a tag-recapture experiment'. Scientific Reports, 6 [DOI] [Details] |
(2016) | 'Helmuth, B., Choi, F., Matzelle, A., Torossian, J. L., Morello, S. L., Mislan, K. A. S., …Power, A. M.,... Zardi, G'
Helmuth, B., Choi, F., Matzelle, A., Torossian, J. L., Morello, S. L., Mislan, K. A. S., … Zardi, G. (2016) 'Helmuth, B., Choi, F., Matzelle, A., Torossian, J. L., Morello, S. L., Mislan, K. A. S., …Power, A. M.,... Zardi, G'. Scientific Data, 3 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'Spatial Transferability of Habitat Suitability Models of Nephrops norvegicus among Fished Areas in the Northeast Atlantic: Sufficiently Stable for Marine Resource Conservation?'
Lauria, V,Power, AM,Lordan, C,Weetman, A,Johnson, MP (2015) 'Spatial Transferability of Habitat Suitability Models of Nephrops norvegicus among Fished Areas in the Northeast Atlantic: Sufficiently Stable for Marine Resource Conservation?'. Plos One, 10 (2) [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | ''Degraded' RNA profiles in Arthropoda and beyond'
McCarthy, SD,Dugon, MM,Power, AM (2015) ''Degraded' RNA profiles in Arthropoda and beyond'. Peerj, 3 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'The chemistry of stalked barnacle adhesive (Lepas anatifera)'
Jonker, JL,Morrison, L,Lynch, EP,Grunwald, I,von Byern, J,Power, AM (2015) 'The chemistry of stalked barnacle adhesive (Lepas anatifera)'. Interface Focus, 5 (1) [DOI] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Spatial mismatch between phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass at the Celtic Boundary Front'
McGinty, N,Johnson, MP,Power, AM (2014) 'Spatial mismatch between phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass at the Celtic Boundary Front'. Journal Of Plankton Research, 36 :1446-1460 [DOI] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Adhesive Proteins of Stalked and Acorn Barnacles Display Homology with Low Sequence Similarities'
Jonker, JL,Abram, F,Pires, E,Coelho, AV,Grunwald, I,Power, AM (2014) 'Adhesive Proteins of Stalked and Acorn Barnacles Display Homology with Low Sequence Similarities'. Plos One, 9 (10) [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Habitat and Ecology of Nephrops norvegicus'
M.P. Johnson, C. Lordan, A.M. Power (2013) 'Habitat and Ecology of Nephrops norvegicus'. Advances in Marine Biology, 64 :27-63 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Trophodynamics and stability of regional scale ecosystems in the Northeast Atlantic'
McGinty, N,Power, AM,Johnson, MP (2012) 'Trophodynamics and stability of regional scale ecosystems in the Northeast Atlantic'. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 69 :764-775 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Morphology of the Cement Apparatus and the Cement of the Buoy Barnacle Dosima fascicularis (Crustacea, Cirripedia, Thoracica, Lepadidae)'
Zheden, V,Von Byern, J,Kerbl, A,Leisch, N,Staedler, Y,Grunwald, I,Power, AM,Klepal, W (2012) 'Morphology of the Cement Apparatus and the Cement of the Buoy Barnacle Dosima fascicularis (Crustacea, Cirripedia, Thoracica, Lepadidae)'. Biological Bulletin, 223 :192-204 [Details] |
(2012) | 'Unusual adhesive production system in the barnacle Lepas anatifera: An ultrastructural and histochemical investigation'
Jonker, JL,von Byern, J,Flammang, P,Klepal, W,Power, AM (2012) 'Unusual adhesive production system in the barnacle Lepas anatifera: An ultrastructural and histochemical investigation'. Journal Of Morphology, 273 :1377-1391 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Coupling between populations of copepod taxa within an estuarine ecosystem and the adjacent offshore regions'
McGinty, N,Johnson, MP,Power, AM (2012) 'Coupling between populations of copepod taxa within an estuarine ecosystem and the adjacent offshore regions'. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 107 :122-131 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Variation among northeast Atlantic regions in the responses of zooplankton to climate change: Not all areas follow the same path'
McGinty, N;Power, AM;Johnson, MP (2011) 'Variation among northeast Atlantic regions in the responses of zooplankton to climate change: Not all areas follow the same path'. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 400 :120-131 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Physiological tolerance predicts species composition at different scales in a barnacle guild'
Power, AM;McCrann, K;McGrath, D;O' Riordan, RM;Simkanin, C;Myers, AA (2011) 'Physiological tolerance predicts species composition at different scales in a barnacle guild'. Marine Biology, 158 :2149-2160 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Factors, at different scales, affecting the distribution of species of the genus Chthamalus Ranzani (Cirripedia, Balanomorpha, Chthamaloidea)'
R.M. O' Riordan, A.M. Power, A.A. Myers (2010) 'Factors, at different scales, affecting the distribution of species of the genus Chthamalus Ranzani (Cirripedia, Balanomorpha, Chthamaloidea)'. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 392 (1-2):46-64 [Details] |
(2006) | 'Increases in the abundance of the invasive barnacle Elminius modestus Darwin in Ireland'
B.M. Allen, A.M. Power, R.M. O' Riordan, A.A. Myers & D. McGrath (2006) 'Increases in the abundance of the invasive barnacle Elminius modestus Darwin in Ireland'. Biology & Environment, 106 :155-161 [Details] |
(2006) | 'Patterns of adult abundance in Chthamalus stellatus (Poli) and C-montagui Southward (Crustacea : Cirripedia) emerge during late recruitment'
Power, AM;Delany, J;McGrath, D;Myers, AA;O'Riordan, RM (2006) 'Patterns of adult abundance in Chthamalus stellatus (Poli) and C-montagui Southward (Crustacea : Cirripedia) emerge during late recruitment'. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 332 :151-165 [DOI] [Details] |
(2006) | 'Heterochrony in Haplomesus (Crustacea : Isopoda : Ischnomesidae): revision of two species and description of two new species'
Kavanagh, FA;Wilson, GDF;Power, AM (2006) 'Heterochrony in Haplomesus (Crustacea : Isopoda : Ischnomesidae): revision of two species and description of two new species'. Zootaxa, :1-33 [Details] |
(2005) | 'Using historical data to detect temporal changes in the abundances of intertidal species on Irish shores'
Simkanin, C,Power, A,Myers, A,McGrath, D,Southward, A,Mieszkowska, N,Leaper, R,O'Riordan, R (2005) 'Using historical data to detect temporal changes in the abundances of intertidal species on Irish shores'. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 85 :1329-1340 [Details] |
(2005) | 'Tidal rates of settlement of the intertidal barnacles Chthamalus stellatus and Chthamalus montagui in western Europe: the influence of the night/day cycle'
Cruz, T,Castro, JJ,Delany, J,McGrath, D,Myers, AA,O'Riordan, RM,Power, AM,Rabaca, J,Hawkins, SJ (2005) 'Tidal rates of settlement of the intertidal barnacles Chthamalus stellatus and Chthamalus montagui in western Europe: the influence of the night/day cycle'. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 318 :51-60 [DOI] [Details] |
(2005) | 'Parasite infracommunities as predictors of harvest location of bogue ( Boops boops L.): a pilot study using statistical classifiers'
A.M. Power, J.A. Balbuena & J.A. Raga (2005) 'Parasite infracommunities as predictors of harvest location of bogue ( Boops boops L.): a pilot study using statistical classifiers'. Fisheries Research, 72 :229-239 [Details] |
(2004) | 'Spatial variation in the recruitment of the intertidal barnacles Chthamalus montagui southward and Chthamalus stellatus (Poli) (Crustacea: Cirripedia) over an European scale'
O'Riordan, RM,Arenas, F,Arrontes, J,Castro, JJ,Cruz, T,Delany, J,Martinez, B,Fernandez, C,Hawkins, SJ,McGrath, D,Myers, AA,Oliveros, J,Pannacciulli, FG,Power, AM,Relini, G,Rico, JM,Silva, T (2004) 'Spatial variation in the recruitment of the intertidal barnacles Chthamalus montagui southward and Chthamalus stellatus (Poli) (Crustacea: Cirripedia) over an European scale'. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 304 :243-264 [DOI] [Details] |
(2004) | 'Redescriptions of Aphanurus stossichii (Monticelli, 1891) and A. virgula Looss, 1907 (Digenea: Hemiuridae)'
A. Kostadinova, D.I. Gibson, J.A. Balbuena, A.M. Power, F.E. Montero, A. Aydogdu & J.A. Raga (2004) 'Redescriptions of Aphanurus stossichii (Monticelli, 1891) and A. virgula Looss, 1907 (Digenea: Hemiuridae)'. Systematic Parasitology, 58 :175-184 [Details] |
(2003) | 'Three species of Magnibursatus Naidenova, 1969 (Digenea: Derogenidae) from Atlantic and Black Sea marine teleosts'
A. Kostadinova, A.M. Power, M. Fernandez, J.A. Balbuena, J.A. Raga & D.I. Gibson (2003) 'Three species of Magnibursatus Naidenova, 1969 (Digenea: Derogenidae) from Atlantic and Black Sea marine teleosts'. Folia Parasitologica, 50 :202-210 [Details] |
(2003) | 'Role of post-settlement mortality and 'supply-side' ecology in setting patterns of intertidal distribution in the chthamalid barnacles Chthamalus montagui and C-stellatus'
Delany, J,Myers, AA,McGrath, D,O'Riordan, RM,Power, AM (2003) 'Role of post-settlement mortality and 'supply-side' ecology in setting patterns of intertidal distribution in the chthamalid barnacles Chthamalus montagui and C-stellatus'. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 249 :207-214 [Details] |
(2001) | 'An investigation into rock surface wetness as a parameter contributing to the distribution of the intertidal barnacles Chthamalus stellatus and C. Montagui'
A.M. Power, A.A. Myers, R.M. O' Riordan, D. McGrath & J. Delany (2001) 'An investigation into rock surface wetness as a parameter contributing to the distribution of the intertidal barnacles Chthamalus stellatus and C. Montagui'. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 52 :349-356 [Details] |
(2001) | 'Variation in the sizes of chthamalid barnacle post-settlement cyprids on European shores'
R.M. O' Riordan, J. Delany, D. McGrath, A.A. Myers, A.M. Power, N.F. Ramsay, D. Alvarez, T. Cruz, F.G. Pannaciulli, P. Range & G. Relini (2001) 'Variation in the sizes of chthamalid barnacle post-settlement cyprids on European shores'. Marine Ecology-An Evolutionary Perspective, 22 :307-322 [Details] |
(2001) | 'Population dynamics of the intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides at three European locations: spatial scales of variability'
Jenkins, SR,Aberg, P,Cervin, G,Coleman, RA,Delany, J,Hawkins, SJ,Hyder, K,Myers, AA,Paula, J,Power, AM,Range, P,Hartnoll, RG (2001) 'Population dynamics of the intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides at three European locations: spatial scales of variability'. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 217 :207-217 [Details] |
(2000) | 'Spatial and temporal variation in settlement and recruitment of the intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides (L.) (Crustacea: Cirripedia) over a European scale'
S.R. Jenkins, P. Aberg, G. Cervin, R.A. Coleman, J. Delany, P. Della Santina, S.J. Hawkins, E. LaCroix, A. Myers, M. Lindegarth, A.M. Power, M.F. Roberts & R.G. Hartnoll (2000) 'Spatial and temporal variation in settlement and recruitment of the intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides (L.) (Crustacea: Cirripedia) over a European scale'. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology, 243 :209-225 [Details] |
(1999) | 'Verification of cyprid size as a tool in the identification of two European species of Chthamalus barnacles using mtDNA-RFLP analysis'
Power, AM,Piyapattanakorn, S,O'Riordan, RM,Iyengar, A,Myers, AA,Hawkins, SJ,Delany, J,McGrath, D,Maclean, N (1999) 'Verification of cyprid size as a tool in the identification of two European species of Chthamalus barnacles using mtDNA-RFLP analysis'. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 191 :251-256 [Details] |
(1999) | 'The sizes at settlement in natural populations of the cyprids of Chthamalus montagui and C-stellatus'
O'Riordan, RM,Myers, AA,McGrath, D,Delany, J,Power, AM (1999) 'The sizes at settlement in natural populations of the cyprids of Chthamalus montagui and C-stellatus'. Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 79 :365-366 [Details] |
(1999) | 'Prolonged settlement and prediction of recruitment in two sympatric Chthamalus species from south-west Ireland'
A.M. Power, J. Delany, A.A. Myers, R.M. O' Riordan & D. McGrath (1999) 'Prolonged settlement and prediction of recruitment in two sympatric Chthamalus species from south-west Ireland'. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 79 :941-943 [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2019) | 54th European Marine Biological Symposium
Schoenrock, K.M., and Chan, K., and O'Connor, A.M., and Krueger-Hadfield, S.A., and Golden, A., and O'Callaghan, T., and O'Callaghan, R., and Power, A.M. (2019) The diversity and resilience of kelp ecosystems in Ireland 54th European Marine Biological Symposium Dublin, [Details] |
(2020) | 68th British Phycological Society meeting
Schoenrock, KM and Chan, K and Krueger-Hadfield, SA and Adams, J and Golden, A and O'Callaghan, T and O'Callaghan, R and Schram, JB and Thompson, N and O'Connor, AM and Ratcliff, JJ and Stengel, DB and Power, A.M. (2020) The diversity and resilience of kelp ecosystems in Ireland 68th British Phycological Society meeting Plymouth, UK, [Details] |
McGinty, N;Power, AM;Johnson, MP (2012) Trophodynamics and stability of regional scale ecosystems in the Northeast Atlantic ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE , pp.764-775 [DOI] [Details] |
O'Riordan, RM;Power, AM;Myers, AA (2010) Factors, at different scales, affecting the distribution of species of the genus Chthamalus Ranzani (Cirripedia, Balanomorpha, Chthamaloidea) JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY , pp.46-64 [DOI] [Details] |
Published Reports
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH; outputs from 2019 meeting).
E. Abad, …A.M. Power, …et al. (2020) Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH; outputs from 2019 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports, ICES International Council for Exploration of the Sea. [DOI] [Details] |
Edited Books
Year | Publication | |
(2014) | Marine Environmental Research Special Issue: Managing Biodiversity in a Changing Ocean.
R. Kennedy, L. Allcock, L. Firth, A.M. Power (Ed.). (2014) Marine Environmental Research Special Issue: Managing Biodiversity in a Changing Ocean Marine Environmental Research Special Issue: Managing Biodiversity in a Changing Ocean. Amsterdam: Elsevier. [Details] |
Other Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2019) | 'Working Document: Preliminary diagnosis in Northeast Atlantic Cephalopod Stock using Stochastic Surplus Production models Working Document presented to the Working Group on Cephalopods Fisheries and Life History'
A. Larivain, A. Iriondo, L. Ibaibarriaga, M. Petroni, A.M. Power, A. Moreno, G.J. Pierce, I. Sobrino, V. Laptikhovsky, E. Abad, J. Valeiras, J.-P. Robin (2019) 'Working Document: Preliminary diagnosis in Northeast Atlantic Cephalopod Stock using Stochastic Surplus Production models Working Document presented to the Working Group on Cephalopods Fisheries and Life History' ICES SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2 (46) :92-121. [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | World Fisheries Congress,
Laptikhovsky, V.; Oesterwind, D.; Sheerin, E.; Power, A.M.; (2021) Mapping and identifying spawning grounds of commercial squids Loligo spp in northern European waters as a tool for sustainable management. [Oral Presentation], World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, Australia , 20-SEP-21 - 24-SEP-21. [Details] |
(2021) | World Fisheries Congress,
Larivain, L.; Laptikhovsky, V.; Power, A.M.; Robin, J.-P.; (2021) Stochastic production model in a continuous time (SPiCT) applied to non-quota species in the English Channel (divisions 7.de): cephalopod insights. [Oral Presentation], World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, Australia , 20-SEP-21 - 24-SEP-21. [Details] |
(2021) | World Fisheries Congress,
Robin, J.-P.; Khobzi, M.A.; Menu, C.; Larivain, A.; Niquil, N.; Coppin, F.; Foucher, E.; Pierce, G.J.; Power, A.M.; (2021) The role of English Channel squid in the ecosystem and the consequences of integrating environmental data in the assessment and management of these stocks. [Oral Presentation], World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, Australia , 20-SEP-21 - 24-SEP-21. [Details] |
(2021) | ICES Annual Science Conference 2021,
Ainsworth G.; Pita P.; Garcia-Rodrigues J.; Pita C.; Roumbedakis K.; Castelo D.; Fonseca T.; Pierce G.J.; Power A.M.; Longo, K.; Villasante S.; (2021) Global cephalopod market drivers. [Oral Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark , 06-SEP-21 - 09-SEP-21. [Details] |
(2021) | ICES Annual Science Conference 2021,
R. McGeady; C. Lordan; A.M. Power; (2021) Shift in the larval phenology of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) due to ocean warming: consequences for larval transport. [Oral Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark , 06-SEP-21 - 09-SEP-21. [Details] |
(2021) | World Fisheries Congress,
Graham J. Pierce; Jean-Paul Robin; Daniel Oesterwind; Michael Petroni; Julio Valeiras; Esther Abad; Ana Moreno; Alberto Rocha; Katina Roumbedakis; Anne Marie Power; (2021) Long-term abundandance trends in European cephalopods. [Oral Presentation], World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, Australia , 20-SEP-21 - 24-SEP-21. [Details] |
(2022) | Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference,
Bobowski, B.; Power, A.M.; Sokolova, I.; Oesterwind, D.; (2022) The missing assessment of European cephalopods. [Oral Presentation], Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference, Sesimbra, Portugal , 04-APR-22 - 08-APR-22. [Details] |
(2022) | Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference,
Lishchenko, F.; Abad, E.; Allcock, A.L.; Badouvas, N.; Barrett, C.J.; González-Gómez, R.; Hendrickson, L.; Lefkaditou, E.; Lonsdale, J.A.; Matos, F.L.; Moustahfid, H.; Oesterwind, D.; Perales-Raya, C.; Pita, C.; Power, A.M.; Roumbedakis, K.; Seixas, S.; Valeiras, J.; Villasante, S.; Laptikhovsky, V.; Robin, J.P.; Pierce G.J.; (2022) Cephalopods in the Anthropocene: multiple challenges in a changing ocean. [Oral Presentation], Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference, Sesimbra, Portugal , 04-APR-22 - 08-APR-22. [Details] |
(2022) | Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference,
Larivain A.; Zatylny-Gaudin C.; Pierce G.J.; Power A.M.; Robin J.P.; (2022) Progress in the analysis of English Channel loliginid squid diets using DNA-barcoding techniques. [Oral Presentation], Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference, Sesimbra, Portugal , 04-APR-22 - 08-APR-22. [Details] |
(2022) | Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference,
Graham J. Pierce; Esther Abad; Gill Ainsworth; Louise Allcock; Bianca T.C. Bobowski; Angel Gonzalez; Michael Gras; Lisa Hendrickson; Ane Iriondo; Vlad Laptikhovsky; Angela Larivain; Fedor Lischenko; Katie Longo; Gonzalo Macho; Fabio Matos; Silvia Monteiro; Carlos Montero-Castaño; Ana Moreno; Hassan Moustahfid; Daniel Oesterwind; Cristina Pita; Ruben Roa-Ureta; Jean-Paul Robin; Katina Roumbedakis; Sonia Seixas; Ignacio Sobrino; Julio Valeiras; Sebastian Villasante; Anne Marie Power; (2022) Management for sustainable cephalopod fisheries in Europe: review and recommendations. [Oral Presentation], Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference, Sesimbra, Portugal , 04-APR-22 - 08-APR-22. [Details] |
(2022) | Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference,
Robin J.P.; Pierce G.J.; Power A.M.; Moreno A.; Oesterwind D.; Laptikhovsky V.; Santurtún M.; (2022) On the importance of fine scale analyses in Cephalopod population studies. [Oral Presentation], Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference, Sesimbra, Portugal , 04-APR-22 - 08-APR-22. [Details] |
(2022) | Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference,
V. Laptikhovsky; L. Allcock; G. Cooke; S. Lozach; D. Oesterwind; J.-P. Robin; A.M. Power; G. Pierce; (2022) Spatial and temporal structure of life cycle of Loligo forbesii and Loligo vulgaris in ecoregions of Celtic Seas and Greater North Sea. [Oral Presentation], Cephalopod International Advisory Council conference, Sesimbra, Portugal , 04-APR-22 - 08-APR-22. [Details] |
(2021) | HydroMedit 2021 Conference, 4th International Congress on Applied Ichthyology, Oceanography & Aquatic Environment,
G.J. Pierce; J.P. Robin; A.Laravain; A. Moreno; K. Roumbedakis; C. Pita; H. Moustahfid; I. Sobrino; R. Roa-Ureta; L. Hastie; J. Wang; J. Smith; A.M. Power; (2021) Cephalopod Fisheries in European waters: stock assessment, forecasting and management. [Keynote Address], HydroMedit 2021 Conference, 4th International Congress on Applied Ichthyology, Oceanography & Aquatic Environment, online , 04-NOV-21 - 06-NOV-21. [Details] |
(2022) | Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting,
K.M. Schoenrock; K. Chan; T. O¿Callaghan; R. O¿Callaghan; A. Golden; S.A. Krueger-Hadfield; A.M. Power; (2022) A picture of kelp ecosystem resilience in Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan , 19-MAY-22 - 22-MAY-22. [Details] |
(2022) | Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting,
K.M. Schoenrock; K. Chan; T. O¿Callaghan; R. O¿Callaghan; A. Golden; S.A. Krueger-Hadfield; A.M. Power; (2022) A picture of kelp ecosystem resilience in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan , 19-MAY-22 - 22-MAY-22. [Details] |
(2018) | 3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetics Adhesives,
Tilbury, M.A.; McCarthy, S.; Ederth, T.; Power, A.M.; Wall, J.G; (2018) Recombinant expression of barnacle cement proteins. [Poster Presentation], 3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetics Adhesives, Haifa, Israel , 20-NOV-18 - 22-NOV-18. [Details] |
(2021) | ICES Annual Science Conference 2021,
A. Larivain; C. Zatylny-Gaudin; G.J. Pierce; A.M. Power; J.P. Robin; (2021) Preliminary trials to determine Loliginid squid diets using DNA-barcoding techniques. [Poster Presentation (Refereed)], ICES Annual Science Conference 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark , 06-SEP-21 - 09-SEP-21. [Details] |
(2022) | Living Planet Symposium, European Space Agency,
Golden A.; Schoenrock, K.; Kreuger-Hadfield, S.; O¿Callaghan T.; Chan, K.; Power A.M. (2022) Monitoring Irish Atlantic Sub-Tidal Kelp Forests Remotely From Orbit. [Poster Presentation (Refereed)], Living Planet Symposium, European Space Agency, Bonn, Germany , 23-MAY-22 - 27-MAY-22. [Details] |
ICES Annual Science Conference 2021,
A. Larivain, M. Amelot, E. Foucher, A.M. Power, J.-P. Robin ‘Stochastic production model in a continuous time (SPiCT) applied to non-quota species in the English Channel (divisions 7.de): cephalopod insights’. [Oral Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark . [Details] |
ICES Annual Science Conference 2021,
J.-P. Robin, C. Menu, A. Larivain, E. Foucher, G.J. Pierce, A.M. Power ‘The role of Loliginid squid in English Channel fisheries and the consequences of integrating environmental data in the assessment and management of these stocks’. [Oral Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark . [Details] |
ICES Annual Science Conference 2021,
K. Roumbedakis, C. Pita, J.-P. Robin, A.M. Power, S. Villasante, G.J. Pierce ‘A framework for assessing sustainability in cephalopod fisheries’. [Oral Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark . [Details] |
ICES Annual Science Conference 2021,
E. Sheerin, E. Abad, L. Allcock, L. Barnwall, A. Larivain, D. Oesterwind, M. Petroni, G.J. Pierce, J.-P. Robin, I. Sobrino, J. Valeiras, A.M. Power ‘Population genetic structure of veined squid Loligo forbesii in the North Eastern Atlantic’. [Oral Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark . [Details] |
12th Internatonal Phycology Conference,
K.M. Schoenrock, K. Chan, T. O’Callaghan, R. O’Callaghan, A. Golden, S.A. Krueger-Hadfield, A.M. Power ‘A picture of kelp ecosystem resilience in Ireland’. [Oral Presentation], 12th Internatonal Phycology Conference, Chile (Virtual Event) . [Details] |
30th ENVIRON Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium,
R. McGeady, C. Lordan, A.M. Power ‘Shifting larval phenology of the Dublin Bay prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) in a warming ocean’. [Oral Presentation], 30th ENVIRON Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium, Dublin City University (Virtual Event) . [Details] |
68th British Phycological Society Conference,
K.M Schoenrock, K. Chan, S.A. Krueger-Hadfield, J. Adams, A. Golden, T. O’Callaghan, R. O’Callaghan, J.B. Schram, N. Thompson, A.M. O’Connor, J.J. Ratcliff, D.B. Stengel, A.M. Power ‘Emerald forests: where to find them’. [Oral Presentation], 68th British Phycological Society Conference, Plymouth, U.K . [Details] |
Atlantic from Space, European Space Agency (ESA),
A. Golden, K. Schoenrock, A.M. Power, S. Krueger-Hadfield ‘Monitoring Atlantic Sub-Tidal Kelp Forests Remotely From Orbit’. [Oral Presentation], Atlantic from Space, European Space Agency (ESA), National Oceanography Centre, Southampton U.K . [Details] |
ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 - Special Session - Drivers of sustainability in fisheries for non-quota and data-poor species,
L. Barnwall, A.L. Allcock, M.P. Johnson, G.J. Pierce, M. Petroni, J.-P. Robin, E. Sheerin, A.M. Power ‘Long term trends in length at maturity and life history of Loligo forbesii in European waters’. [Oral Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 - Special Session - Drivers of sustainability in fisheries for non-quota and data-poor species, Gothenburg, Sweden . [Details] |
ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 - Special Session - Drivers of sustainability in fisheries for non-quota and data-poor species,
A. Larivain, A. Iriondo, L. Ibaibarriaga, A.M. Power, A. Moreno, G.J. Pierce, I. Sobrino, J.-P. Robin ‘Do non‐quota species tend to be overexploited? Preliminary diagnostics in Northeast Atlantic Cephalopod Stocks using surplus production models’. [Oral Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 - Special Session - Drivers of sustainability in fisheries for non-quota and data-poor species, Gothenburg, Sweden . [Details] |
ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 - Special Session - Drivers of sustainability in fisheries for non-quota and data-poor species,
S. Villasante, J. Garcia Rodrigues, P. Pita, C. Pita, F. Matos, S. Monteiro, S. Olim, C. Longo, G. Verutes, A.M. Power ‘Feeding global seafood markets through cephalopods: current and future trends’. [Oral Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 - Special Session - Drivers of sustainability in fisheries for non-quota and data-poor species, Gothenburg, Sweden . [Details] |
ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 - Special Session - Drivers of sustainability in fisheries for non-quota and data-poor species,
Pierce, G J., Power, A.M. et al. ‘Status and trends of European cephalopod stocks.’. [Oral Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 - Special Session - Drivers of sustainability in fisheries for non-quota and data-poor species, Gothenburg, Sweden . [Details] |
ICES Annual Science Conference 2021,
L. Ranguin, C. Gaudin, G.J. Pierce, A.M. Power, J.P. Robin ‘Preliminary trials to determine Loliginid squid diets using DNA-barcoding techniques.’. [Poster Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark . [Details] |
69th Annual Meeting of the British Phycological Society with Protistology,
K.M. Schoenrock, K. Chan, T. O’Callaghan, R. O’Callaghan, A. Golden, S.A. Krueger-Hadfield, A.M. Power ‘A picture of kelp ecosystem resilience in Ireland’. [Poster Presentation], 69th Annual Meeting of the British Phycological Society with Protistology, Nottingham, U.K. (Virtual Event) . [Details] |
CephRes2020 Biology and Life History of Cephalopods: behavior, cognition, evolution, ecology, fisheries, genomics, neuroscience, taxonomy. International Cephalopod Scientific Community Symposium,
A.L. Allcock, A.M. Power ‘Cephs & Chefs project’. [Poster Presentation], CephRes2020 Biology and Life History of Cephalopods: behavior, cognition, evolution, ecology, fisheries, genomics, neuroscience, taxonomy. International Cephalopod Scientific Community Symposium, Naples, Italy (Virtual Event) . [Details] |
CephRes2020 Biology and Life History of Cephalopods: behavior, cognition, evolution, ecology, fisheries, genomics, neuroscience, taxonomy. International Cephalopod Scientific Community Symposium,
V. Laptikhovsky, G. Cooke, C. Barrett, S. Lozacha, E. MacLeod, D. Oesterwind, E. Sheerin, M. Petroni, L Barnwall, J.-P Robin, L. Allcock, A.M. Power ‘Identification of demersal egg masses and spawning grounds in commercial squid in the Northwest European waters: Loligo vulgaris vs L. forbesii’. [Poster Presentation], CephRes2020 Biology and Life History of Cephalopods: behavior, cognition, evolution, ecology, fisheries, genomics, neuroscience, taxonomy. International Cephalopod Scientific Community Symposium, Naples, Italy (Virtual Event) . [Details] |
(2020) | 68th British Phycological Society meeting,
Schoenrock, K.M., Chan, K., O’Connor, A.M., Krueger-Hadfield, S.A., Golden, A., O’Callaghan, T., O’Callaghan, R., Power, A.M. (2020) ‘The diversity and resilience of kelp ecosystems in Ireland’. [Poster Presentation], 68th British Phycological Society meeting, Plymouth, U.K , 06-JAN-20 - 09-JAN-20. [Details] |
ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 - Special Session - Drivers of sustainability in fisheries for non-quota and data-poor species,
Pierce, G.J., Power, AM., et al. ‘Assessment of cephalopods in European waters: state of the art and ways forward.’. [Poster Presentation], ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 - Special Session - Drivers of sustainability in fisheries for non-quota and data-poor species, Gothenburg, Sweden . [Details] |
(2019) | American Academy of Underwater Sciences Diving for Science Symposium,
Schoenrock, K.M., Chan, K., O'Connor, A.M., O'Callaghan, T., O'Callaghan, R., Krueger-Hadfield, S.A., Golden, A., Power, A.M. (2019) 'The diversity and resilience of kelp ecosystems in Ireland'. [Poster Presentation], American Academy of Underwater Sciences Diving for Science Symposium, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada , 08-OCT-19 - 11-OCT-19. [Details] |
(2019) | Phycological Society of America,
Schoenrock, K.M., Krueger-Hadfield, S.A., Golden, A., Power, A.M. (2019) The diversity and resilience of kelp ecosystems in Ireland. [Poster Presentation], Phycological Society of America, Miami, Florida, USA , 23-JUN-19 - 27-JUN-19. [Details] |
(2019) | 7th European Phycological Congress,
Schoenrock, K.M., Chan, K., O’Connor, A.M., Krueger-Hadfield, S.A., Golden, A., O’Callaghan, T., O’Callaghan, R., Power, A.M. (2019) ‘The diversity and resilience of kelp ecosystems in Ireland’. [Poster Presentation], 7th European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia , 25-AUG-19 - 30-AUG-19. [Details] |
(2019) | 54th European Marine Biological Symposium,
Schoenrock, K.M., Chan, K., O’Connor, A.M., Krueger-Hadfield, S.A., Golden, A., O’Callaghan, T., O’Callaghan, R., Power, A.M. (2019) The diversity and resilience of kelp ecosystems in Ireland. [Poster Presentation], 54th European Marine Biological Symposium, , Dublin, Ireland , 25-AUG-19 - 29-AUG-19. [Details] |
Cephalopod International Advisory Council (CIAC) triennial Conference,
Power, A.M., et al. ‘Cephs and Chefs - Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish, Sustainable Fisheries and Chefs’. [Poster Presentation], Cephalopod International Advisory Council (CIAC) triennial Conference, St Petersburg, Florida, USA . [Details] |
3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetics Adhesives,
Power, A.M., Tilbury, M.A., McCarthy, S., Ederth, T., Wall, J.G. ‘Recombinant expression of barnacle cement proteins’. [Poster Presentation], 3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetics Adhesives, Haifa, Israel . [Details] |
Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research,
M.T. Burrows, E.S. Poloczanska, N. Mieszkowska, R.L. Leaper, A.M. Power, C. Simkanin, S.J. Hawkins 'Coastal warming: data-based modelling of species distributions in response to climate change'. [Poster Presentation], Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research, Plymouth, U.K . [Details] |
EurOCEAN Conference,
A.M. Power, J.A. Raga, J.A. Balbuena 'Parasites as indicators of the harvest location of fish'. [Poster Presentation], EurOCEAN Conference, Galway, Ireland . [Details] |
Community Engagement Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | Cephalopod Recipes 2021 ¿ 21 recipes for octopus, cuttlefish and squid from Spain, France, Ireland & Portugal.
K. Roumbedakis; J. Amiero; C. Pita; C. Longo; C. Montero; R. Mendes; F. Matos; S. Monteiro; A. Larivain; S. Davoren; A. O'Leary; R. Lago; J. Romón; G.J. Pierce; A.M. Power; (2021) Cephalopod Recipes 2021 ¿ 21 recipes for octopus, cuttlefish and squid from Spain, France, Ireland & Portugal. Community Engagement Publications [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2021) | Market Opportunities for Octopus in the Atlantic Area. Project Cephs & Chefs ¿ Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish, Sustainable Fisheries and Chefs.
K. Roumbedakis; C. Pita; C. Longo; C. Montero; R. Mendes; A. Gonçalves; H. Vieira; G. Macho; G. Ainsworth; P. Pita; J. Garcia Rodrigues; G. Verutes; S. Villasante; F. Matos; S. Monteiro; A. Ospina-Álvarez, A; Larivain; J-P. Robin; N. Koueta; S. Davoren; A. O'Leary; R. Lago; J. Romón; S. Olim; G.J. Pierce; A.M. Power; (2021) Market Opportunities for Octopus in the Atlantic Area. Project Cephs & Chefs ¿ Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish, Sustainable Fisheries and Chefs. Community Engagement Publications [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | Sustainability Toolkit for Cephalopod Fisheries: Cephs & Chefs Project.
K. Roumbedakis; G.J. Pierce; C. Pita; C. Longo; C. Montero; L. Borges; G. Macho; A.M. Power ; (2021) Sustainability Toolkit for Cephalopod Fisheries: Cephs & Chefs Project. Community Engagement Publications [DOI] [Details] |
Conference Paper
Year | Publication | |
(2012) | 'Characterisation of the adhesive system of the goose barnacle'. 1st International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-11 May 2012.
Jaimie- Leigh Jonker, Janek von Byern, Patrick Flammang, Waltraud Klepal & Anne Marie Power (2012) 'Characterisation of the adhesive system of the goose barnacle'. 1st International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-11 May 2012. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2010) | 'Barnacle bioadhesion' COST Action TD0906 Biological adhesives: from biology to biomimetics Annual Conference, Vienna, November 2010.
Anne Marie Power (2010) 'Barnacle bioadhesion' COST Action TD0906 Biological adhesives: from biology to biomimetics Annual Conference, Vienna, November 2010. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2002) | 'Parasites as tags for the harvest location of Bogue (Boops boops) in Spanish coastal waters'. 10th International Congress of Parasitology, August 5-9th 2002, Vancouver, Canada.
A. M. Power, J. A. Balbuena & J. A. Raga (2002) 'Parasites as tags for the harvest location of Bogue (Boops boops) in Spanish coastal waters'. 10th International Congress of Parasitology, August 5-9th 2002, Vancouver, Canada. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2005) | ‘Using historical data to detect temporal changes in the abundance of intertidal species on Irish shores’ 34th Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting, April 6th-9th 2005, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Williamsburg Virginia.
Simkanin, Christina, A-M. Power, A. Myers, D. McGrath, and A. Southward (2005) ‘Using historical data to detect temporal changes in the abundance of intertidal species on Irish shores’ 34th Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting, April 6th-9th 2005, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Williamsburg Virginia. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2005) | ‘Heterochrony in the deep-sea: new species of Ischnomesidae show progenesis’ ICC6 -6th International Crustacean Congress, University of Glasgow, July 18-22 2005.
Kavanagh, K., Power A.M., Wilson G.D.F. (2005) ‘Heterochrony in the deep-sea: new species of Ischnomesidae show progenesis’ ICC6 -6th International Crustacean Congress, University of Glasgow, July 18-22 2005. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2008) | ‘Species diversity patterns on rocky shores in UK and Ireland: The influence of pelagic primary productivity and temperature’. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia Spain 11-15 Nov. 2008.
Burrows, M.T., A.M. Power et al. (2008) ‘Species diversity patterns on rocky shores in UK and Ireland: The influence of pelagic primary productivity and temperature’. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia Spain 11-15 Nov. 2008. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2009) | “Bioweathering: intertidal organisms and a new geophycology paradigm” Goldschmidt 2009 - Life in Extreme Environments. 21-26 June 2009 - Davos, Switzerland.
L. Morrison, M. Feely, D.B. Stengel, N. Blamey, P. Dockery, A.Sherlock, É. Timmins, F. Farrell & A.M. Power (2009) “Bioweathering: intertidal organisms and a new geophycology paradigm” Goldschmidt 2009 - Life in Extreme Environments. 21-26 June 2009 - Davos, Switzerland. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2011) | ‘Trophodynamics of the regional scale ecosystems of the N.E. Atlantic: Are they out of control?’ 21st Irish Environmental Researchers’ Colloquium (Environ), April 6-8th 2011 UCC.
N. McGinty, M. Johnson and A.M. Power (2011) ‘Trophodynamics of the regional scale ecosystems of the N.E. Atlantic: Are they out of control?’ 21st Irish Environmental Researchers’ Colloquium (Environ), April 6-8th 2011 UCC. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2011) | ‘Wet adhesion in barnacles’ 24th European Conference on Biomaterials, September 4th – 9th, Dublin 2011.
J.-L. Jonker, P. McEvilly, L. Morrison & A.M. Power (2011) ‘Wet adhesion in barnacles’ 24th European Conference on Biomaterials, September 4th – 9th, Dublin 2011. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2012) | ‘Home on the range. Developing Nephrops as a sustainable inshore fishery’ World Fisheries Congress, 7th - 11th of May 2012 Edinburgh.
Johnson, M., Power, A.M. and 14 others (2012) ‘Home on the range. Developing Nephrops as a sustainable inshore fishery’ World Fisheries Congress, 7th - 11th of May 2012 Edinburgh. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2012) | ‘Reproductive hormone profiling in Ballan wrasse during spawning induction' AQUA 2012 combined Aquaculture Europe and World Aquaculture Society meeting, Prague Czech Republic 1-5 September 2012.
F.Yusof, R. Fitzgerald, A.M. Power (2012) ‘Reproductive hormone profiling in Ballan wrasse during spawning induction' AQUA 2012 combined Aquaculture Europe and World Aquaculture Society meeting, Prague Czech Republic 1-5 September 2012. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2014) | ‘Homology but low similarity in adhesive proteins of stalked and acorn barnacles’ 2nd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (ICBBA2014) Istanbul, 6-9th May 2014.
Jaimie-Leigh Jonker, Florence Abram, Ana Varela Coelho, Ingo Grunwald, Anne Marie Power (2014) ‘Homology but low similarity in adhesive proteins of stalked and acorn barnacles’ 2nd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (ICBBA2014) Istanbul, 6-9th May 2014. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2015) | 'Feeding patterns of the lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) inhabiting inshore Nephrops norvegicus fishing grounds'. Annual Undergraduate Research Conference 2015, NUI Galway, 19 March 2015.
Wieczorek, AM, Browne, P, Graham, CT, Johnson, MP, Power AM (2015) 'Feeding patterns of the lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) inhabiting inshore Nephrops norvegicus fishing grounds'. Annual Undergraduate Research Conference 2015, NUI Galway, 19 March 2015. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2015) | 'Feeding patterns of the lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) inhabiting inshore Nephrops norvegicus fishing grounds'. All Ireland Conference of Undergraduate Research (AICUR) 2015 University of Limerick 9 April 2015.
Wieczorek, AM, Browne, P, Graham, CT, Johnson, MP, Power AM (2015) 'Feeding patterns of the lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) inhabiting inshore Nephrops norvegicus fishing grounds'. All Ireland Conference of Undergraduate Research (AICUR) 2015 University of Limerick 9 April 2015. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2015) | 'Restocking potential of Dublin Bay prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) in inshore grounds'. Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conference Liverpool 30 Aug. – 4th Sept. 2015.
Power, Anne Marie, Browne, Patricia, Fullbrook, Liam, Graham, Conor, Hancox, Lee, Haynes, Paula, Lauria, Valentina, Johnson, Mark P. (2015) 'Restocking potential of Dublin Bay prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) in inshore grounds'. Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conference Liverpool 30 Aug. – 4th Sept. 2015. Conference Paper [Details] |
(1998) | 'Prolonged settlement and prediction of recruitment in two sympatric Chthamalus species from south-west Ireland'. Conference of the Marine Biological Association, Plymouth, April 1998.
A.M. Power, J. Delany, A.A. Myers, R.M. O' Riordan & D. McGrath. (1998) 'Prolonged settlement and prediction of recruitment in two sympatric Chthamalus species from south-west Ireland'. Conference of the Marine Biological Association, Plymouth, April 1998. Plymouth, U.K: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2004) | ‘Using historical data to detect the effects of climate change: what can ACFOR tell us?’ Climate Change and Aquatic Systems, Past, Present & Future, 21-23rd July, 2004, University of Plymouth, U.K. Hosted by the Marine Biological Association, Freshwater Biological Association, British Ecological Society.
C. Simkanin, A.M. Power, D. McGrath, A. Myers, A.J. Southward. (2004) ‘Using historical data to detect the effects of climate change: what can ACFOR tell us?’ Climate Change and Aquatic Systems, Past, Present & Future, 21-23rd July, 2004, University of Plymouth, U.K. Hosted by the Marine Biological Association, Freshwater Biological Association, British Ecological Society. University of Plymouth, U.K: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2006) | ‘Barnacles as indicators of climate change in intertidal communities’. 41st European Marine Biology Symposium, 3-8th Sept. 2006, UCC.
Power, A.M., McCrann, K., McGrath, D., O'Riordan, R.M., Simkanin, C., Myers, A.A (2006) ‘Barnacles as indicators of climate change in intertidal communities’. 41st European Marine Biology Symposium, 3-8th Sept. 2006, UCC. University College Cork, Cork, Ireland: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2009) | ‘Long-term change on rocky shores in northwest Europe over the last six decades: what species changed and why?’44th European Marine Biology Symposium, 7-11 September 2009, University of Liverpool, UK.
M.T. Burrows, R. Harvey, L. Robb, E.S. Poloczanska, N. Mieszkowska, P. Moore, R. Leaper, M.A. Kendall, R. Thompson, C.S. Simkanin, A.M. Power, J. Davenport, A.A. Myers, D. McGrath, A. Southward & S.J. Hawkins, P. Moschella. (2009) ‘Long-term change on rocky shores in northwest Europe over the last six decades: what species changed and why?’44th European Marine Biology Symposium, 7-11 September 2009, University of Liverpool, UK. Conference Paper [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2014) | Preface-EMBS 2013.
Kennedy, R,Allcock, L,Firth, L,Power, AM (2014) Preface-EMBS 2013. Editorial [DOI] [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | ‘A broad-scale long-term dataset of Sabellaria alveolata distribution and abundance curated through the REEHAB (REEf HABitat) Project’.
A. Curd, C. Cordier, L.B. Firth, L. Bush, Y. Gruet, P. Le Mao, J.A. Blaze, C. Board, F. Bordeyne, M.T. Burrows, P.N. Cunningham, A.J. Davies, N. Desroy, H. Edwards, D.R. Harris, S.J. Hawkins, F. Kerckhof, F.P. Lima, D. McGrath, C. Meneghesso, N. Mieszkowska, J.D. Nunn, F. Nunes, N.E. O' Connor, R.M. O' Riordan, A.M. Power, R. Seabra, C. Simkanin, S. Dubois (2020) ‘A broad-scale long-term dataset of Sabellaria alveolata distribution and abundance curated through the REEHAB (REEf HABitat) Project’. SEANOE. Dataset [DOI] [Details] |
Conference Poster
Year | Publication | |
(2010) | 'The buoy barnacle - a bioresource?' Environmental Change Institute/Martin Ryan Institute Research Colloquium, June 2010.
Paul McEvilly & Anne Marie Power (2010) 'The buoy barnacle - a bioresource?' Environmental Change Institute/Martin Ryan Institute Research Colloquium, June 2010. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2010) | 'Modelling habitat suitability in Nephrops norvegicus using INFOMAR products'. Geological Survey of Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin Castle, November 3-4 2010.
M.P. Johnson, J. Guinan, I. Marsh, A.M. Power (2010) 'Modelling habitat suitability in Nephrops norvegicus using INFOMAR products'. Geological Survey of Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin Castle, November 3-4 2010. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2011) | ‘Modelling Habitat Suitability in Nephrops norvegicus using INFOMAR products’ 21st Irish Environmental Researchers’ Colloquium (Environ) 2011. April 6th- 8th, 2011 UCC.
Johnson, M.P., Guinan, J., Marsh, I., Power, A.M. (2011) ‘Modelling Habitat Suitability in Nephrops norvegicus using INFOMAR products’ 21st Irish Environmental Researchers’ Colloquium (Environ) 2011. April 6th- 8th, 2011 UCC. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2011) | ‘Regional scale trophodynamics of the N.E. Atlantic: relating the inter- and intra-decadal variability of 2000-2009 with 1960-1999’ ICES/NAFO Decadal Symposium on the Variability of the North Atlantic and its Marine Ecosystems during 2000-2009. 10-12th May 2011, Santander, Spain.
N. McGinty, M. Johnson and A.M. Power (2011) ‘Regional scale trophodynamics of the N.E. Atlantic: relating the inter- and intra-decadal variability of 2000-2009 with 1960-1999’ ICES/NAFO Decadal Symposium on the Variability of the North Atlantic and its Marine Ecosystems during 2000-2009. 10-12th May 2011, Santander, Spain. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2014) | 'Estimating habitat, growth, residency and survival of Dublin Bay Prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) from habitat mapping and mark-recapture experiments'. Porcupine Marine Natural History Society Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 29-31 March, 2014.
Valentina Lauria, Mark P. Johnson and Anne Marie Power (2014) 'Estimating habitat, growth, residency and survival of Dublin Bay Prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) from habitat mapping and mark-recapture experiments'. Porcupine Marine Natural History Society Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 29-31 March, 2014. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2013) | 'Estimating habitat, growth, residency and survival of Dublin Bay Prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) from habitat mapping and mark-recapture experiments'. 48th Annual European Marine Biology Symposium, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, August 19-23, 2013.
Valentina Lauria, Mark P. Johnson and Anne Marie Power (2013) 'Estimating habitat, growth, residency and survival of Dublin Bay Prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) from habitat mapping and mark-recapture experiments'. 48th Annual European Marine Biology Symposium, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, August 19-23, 2013. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2016) | 'Discovery of Barnacle Adhesive Genes (Lepas anatifera)'. 3rd Annual Our Ocean Wealth Conference, Bailey Allen Hall, NUIG 1 July 2016.
Sean D. McCarthy, Liam Doonan & Anne Marie Power (2016) (2016) 'Discovery of Barnacle Adhesive Genes (Lepas anatifera)'. 3rd Annual Our Ocean Wealth Conference, Bailey Allen Hall, NUIG 1 July 2016. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2000) | 'Barnacle community structure & global climate change'. Euroconference -Water & Life, 25-28 May 2000, University of Vigo, Spain.
A.M. Power, A.A. Myers, R.M. O' Riordan, D. McGrath & J. Delany (2000) 'Barnacle community structure & global climate change'. Euroconference -Water & Life, 25-28 May 2000, University of Vigo, Spain. University of Vigo, Spain: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2003) | 'Climate changes and biodiversity ranges: linking intertidal diversity distributions and global warming'. European Marine Biology Symposium. Sept. 8-12, 2003 Aveiro, Portugal.
C.S. Simkanin, A.M. Power, J. Davenport, A.A Myers & D. McGrath. (2003) 'Climate changes and biodiversity ranges: linking intertidal diversity distributions and global warming'. European Marine Biology Symposium. Sept. 8-12, 2003 Aveiro, Portugal. Aveiro, Portugal: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2004) | 'Physical factors affect the distribution of barnacles Chthamalus stellatus and C. montagui'. Climate Change and Aquatic Systems Conference, co-hosted by British Ecological Society, Marine Biological Association and Freshwater Biological Association, July 21-23rd, 2004 University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK.
A.M. Power, D. McGrath, A.A. Myers, R.M. O' Riordan & C. Simkanin. (2004) 'Physical factors affect the distribution of barnacles Chthamalus stellatus and C. montagui'. Climate Change and Aquatic Systems Conference, co-hosted by British Ecological Society, Marine Biological Association and Freshwater Biological Association, July 21-23rd, 2004 University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK. University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2004) | 'Parasite assemblages as a tool to establish harvest location of fish'. ICES CM 2004/EE meeting Vigo, Spain, 22-25 Sept. 2004.
F. Montero, D. Perdiguero, A.M. Power, D. Ong, J.A. Raga & J.A. Balbuena. (2004) 'Parasite assemblages as a tool to establish harvest location of fish'. ICES CM 2004/EE meeting Vigo, Spain, 22-25 Sept. 2004. Vigo, Spain: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2004) | 'Parasites as indicators of the harvest location of fish'. EurOCEAN Conference EurOCEAN Conference 10th - 13th May 2004, Galway, Ireland.
A.M. Power, J.A. Raga & J.A. Balbuena. (2004) 'Parasites as indicators of the harvest location of fish'. EurOCEAN Conference EurOCEAN Conference 10th - 13th May 2004, Galway, Ireland. Galway, Ireland: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2005) | 'Coastal warming: data-based modelling of species distributions in response to climate change'. Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research. 27-29th June 2005, Plymouth, U.K.
M.T. Burrows, E.S. Poloczanska, N. Mieszkowska, R.L. Leaper, A.M. Power, C. Simkanin, S.J. Hawkins. (2005) 'Coastal warming: data-based modelling of species distributions in response to climate change'. Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research. 27-29th June 2005, Plymouth, U.K. Plymouth, U.K: Conference Poster [Details] |
Invited Lectures
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | ‘Coastal communities, change and global perspectives’ invited guest lecture at the University of Oldenburg, Germany.
Anne Marie Power (2015) ‘Coastal communities, change and global perspectives’ invited guest lecture at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. Invited Lectures [Details] |
Invited papers
Year | Publication | |
(2014) | ‘Homology but low similarity in adhesive proteins of stalked and acorn barnacles’ 17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling 2014 (ICMCF) in Singapore, 6-10th July 2014.
Jaimie-Leigh Jonker, Florence Abram, Ana Varela Coelho, Ingo Grunwald, Anne Marie Power (2014) ‘Homology but low similarity in adhesive proteins of stalked and acorn barnacles’ 17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling 2014 (ICMCF) in Singapore, 6-10th July 2014. Invited papers [Details] |
(2013) | ‘Bioadhesion –the barnacle way’ American Chemical Society, Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA, 7-12 April 2013.
Anne Marie Power (2013) ‘Bioadhesion –the barnacle way’ American Chemical Society, Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA, 7-12 April 2013. Invited papers [Details] |
Invited Seminars
Year | Publication | |
(2009) | 'Bioweathering: intertidal organisms and a new geophycology paradigm'. European Science Foundation, Coordination Action funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (invited talk).
Morrison, L., Feely, M., Stengel, D.B., Blamey, N., Dockery, P., Sherlock, A., Timmins, A., Farrell, F. Power, A.M. (2009) 'Bioweathering: intertidal organisms and a new geophycology paradigm'. European Science Foundation, Coordination Action funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (invited talk). Invited Seminars [Details] |
(2007) | ‘Using latitude as a surrogate for warming –tested using a barnacle model’ Department of Zoology, Ecology & Plant Science UCC, 9th Mar. 2007.
Anne Marie Power (2007) ‘Using latitude as a surrogate for warming –tested using a barnacle model’ Department of Zoology, Ecology & Plant Science UCC, 9th Mar. 2007. Invited Seminars [Details] |
(2010) | ‘Sun, sea, sand and surgery: how marine animals may be good for your health’ School of Pharmacy, Queens University Belfast, 20 Oct. 2010.
Anne Marie Power (2010) ‘Sun, sea, sand and surgery: how marine animals may be good for your health’ School of Pharmacy, Queens University Belfast, 20 Oct. 2010. Invited Seminars [Details] |
(2011) | ‘Sticky when wet: the wonderful world of adhesion under the sea’ GMIT March 4th 2011.
Anne Marie Power (2011) ‘Sticky when wet: the wonderful world of adhesion under the sea’ GMIT March 4th 2011. Invited Seminars [Details] |
(2011) | 'Bioadhesives from Nature' Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials (NFB), NUIG April 2011.
Anne Marie Power (2011) 'Bioadhesives from Nature' Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials (NFB), NUIG April 2011. Invited Seminars [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2017) | ‘Recombinant expression of barnacle cement proteins’.
Maura Tilbury, Anne Marie Power, Gerard Wall (2017) ‘Recombinant expression of barnacle cement proteins’. Meeting [Details] |
(2009) | 'Bioweathering: intertidal organisms and a new geophycology paradigm'. Coordination Action for Research Activities on Life in Extreme Environments. Sasbachwalden, Germany, (June 2009).
Morrison, L., Feely, M., Stengel, D.B., Blamey, N., Dockery, P., Sherlock, A., Timmins, É., Farrell, F. and Power, A.M. (2009) 'Bioweathering: intertidal organisms and a new geophycology paradigm'. Coordination Action for Research Activities on Life in Extreme Environments. Sasbachwalden, Germany, (June 2009). Meeting [Details] |
(2017) | ‘Discovery & expression of barnacle adhesive genes (Lepas anatifera)’.
Sean D. McCarthy, Liam Doonan, Maura Tilbury, Gerard Wall & Anne Marie Power (2017) ‘Discovery & expression of barnacle adhesive genes (Lepas anatifera)’. Meeting [Details] |
Magazine Article
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Kelp forests: the multifaceted seaweed in nearshore marine habitats.
Schoenrock K, and Chan, K and Krueger-Hadfield, S and Golden, A and Power, AM (2020) Kelp forests: the multifaceted seaweed in nearshore marine habitats. Magazine Article [Details] |
Other Item
Year | Publication | |
(2016) | Use of barnacle cement proteins to mediate attachment of cells or biomaterials to surfaces.
Power, A.M. & Wall, G. (2016) Use of barnacle cement proteins to mediate attachment of cells or biomaterials to surfaces. Technology Number Tech-2016-033: Other Item [Details] |
Policy Contribution
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | Cephs & Chefs: A Policy Brief.
G. J. Pierce; C. Pita; K. Roumbedakis; R. Mendes; A. Gonçalves; H. Vieira; A. Moreno; S. Villasante; G. Ainsworth; P. Pita; G. Verutes; J. G. Rodrigues; C. Montero; G. Macho; J. Valeiras; J.-P. Robin; A. Larivain; A. M. Power; (2021) Cephs & Chefs: A Policy Brief. Policy Contribution [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | North Eastern Atlantic cephalopods stock assessment in a data limited framework Surplus Production in a Continuous Time (SPiCT) Annex to WP.4.2 deliverable for Cephs & Chefs project.
Larivain, A.; Petroni, M.; Iriondo, A.; Abad, E.; Valeiras, J.; Moreno, A.; Dinis, D.; Rocha, A.; Laptikovsky, V.; Robin, J.-P.; Power, A.M.; (2021) North Eastern Atlantic cephalopods stock assessment in a data limited framework Surplus Production in a Continuous Time (SPiCT) Annex to WP.4.2 deliverable for Cephs & Chefs project. Report [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2021) | Fisheries Summaries.
J.-P. Robin; E. Abad; D. Dinis; A. Gonzalez, A. Iriondo; V. Laptikovsky; A. Larivain; G. Macho; C. Montero; A. Moreno; D. Oesterwind; C. Perales-Raya; M. Petroni; G. Pierce; A.-M. Power; A. Rocha; I. Sobrino; J. Valeiras; (2021) Fisheries Summaries. Report [Details] |
(2021) | Cephalopods small-scale fisheries in European waters: a review of the environmental impacts.
A. Larivain; G. J. Pierce; J. Valeiras; A. M. Power; J.-P. Robin ; (2021) Cephalopods small-scale fisheries in European waters: a review of the environmental impacts. Report [Details] |
(2021) | Final Report COST Action CA15216: European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise: Fundamental Knowledge to Inspire Advanced Bonding Technologies.
Von Byern, J.; A.M. Power; et al. (2021) Final Report COST Action CA15216: European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise: Fundamental Knowledge to Inspire Advanced Bonding Technologies. Report [Details] |
(2018) | Interim Report COST Action CA15216: European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise: Fundamental Knowledge to Inspire Advanced Bonding Technologies.
Von Byern, J.; A.M. Power; et al. (2018) Interim Report COST Action CA15216: European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise: Fundamental Knowledge to Inspire Advanced Bonding Technologies. Report [Details] |
(2020) | WP 4. Integrated Ecosystem Assessment: DNA Barcoding.
E. Sheerin, A.M. Power, L. Barnwall, L. Oliveira, M. Petroni, H. Silva, L. Allcock (2020) WP 4. Integrated Ecosystem Assessment: DNA Barcoding. Report [Details] |
(2002) | MARINE BIODIVERSITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE (MARCLIM) Phase 2 report, 83 pp. www.mba.ac.uk/marclim.
Leaper R., Kendall M.A., Lear D., Mieszkowska N., Moore P., Southward A.J., Hawkins S.J., Burrows M.T., Poloczanska E., Power A.M., McGrath D., Myers A., Simkanin C., Davenport J., Thompson R.C. (2002) MARINE BIODIVERSITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE (MARCLIM) Phase 2 report, 83 pp. www.mba.ac.uk/marclim. Report [Details] |
(2006) | Marine Biodiversity & Climate Change (Ireland). Final Report of MarClim (Ireland), Project Ref. PDOC/01/006, 237 pp.
McCrann, K., Davenport, J., McGrath, D., Myers, A., O’Riordan R., Power, A.M. (2006) Marine Biodiversity & Climate Change (Ireland). Final Report of MarClim (Ireland), Project Ref. PDOC/01/006, 237 pp. Report [Details] |
(2010) | Modelling ‘habitat suitability’ in Nephrops norvegicus using INFOMAR data. Final Report of INFOMAR project ref.INF-09-11-JOH, 21 pp.
Guinan, G., Marsh, I., Lordan, C., Johnson, M., Power, A.M. (2010) Modelling ‘habitat suitability’ in Nephrops norvegicus using INFOMAR data. Final Report of INFOMAR project ref.INF-09-11-JOH, 21 pp. Report [Details] |
(2015) | Final Report Summary - NEPHROPS (Development of new techniques in hatchery rearing, fishery enhancement and aquaculture for Nephrops).
Matheson F., Power A.M., et al., (2015) Final Report Summary - NEPHROPS (Development of new techniques in hatchery rearing, fishery enhancement and aquaculture for Nephrops). Report [Details] |
(2013) | Report to EUROPEAN COMMISSION Research Executive Agency for SME Actions Research ‘NEPHROPS Development of new techniques in hatchery rearing, fishery enhancement and aquaculture for Nephrops’ Project No: 286903 interim report 28/05/2013.
Matheson F., Power A.M., et al. (2013) Report to EUROPEAN COMMISSION Research Executive Agency for SME Actions Research ‘NEPHROPS Development of new techniques in hatchery rearing, fishery enhancement and aquaculture for Nephrops’ Project No: 286903 interim report 28/05/2013. Report [Details] |
(2015) | Report to EUROPEAN COMMISSION Research Executive Agency for SME Actions Research ‘NEPHROPS Development of new techniques in hatchery rearing, fishery enhancement and aquaculture for Nephrops’ Project No: 286903 Final Report 31/01/2015.
Matheson F., Power, A.M., et al., (2015) Report to EUROPEAN COMMISSION Research Executive Agency for SME Actions Research ‘NEPHROPS Development of new techniques in hatchery rearing, fishery enhancement and aquaculture for Nephrops’ Project No: 286903 Final Report 31/01/2015. Report [Details] |
Research Seminar
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | ‘Using GIS tools to support management of North Atlantic fisheries’ GIS & Spatial Modelling in Research Seminar, Ryan Institute NUIG, Thursday June 4th 2015.
Mohd Nasarudin Harith, Niall McGinty & Anne Marie Power (2015) ‘Using GIS tools to support management of North Atlantic fisheries’ GIS & Spatial Modelling in Research Seminar, Ryan Institute NUIG, Thursday June 4th 2015. Research Seminar [Details] |
(2015) | ‘Short notes on fish larvae composition from the Rockall Trough, Continental Shelf and Hebridean Shelf and Slope’ NUI Galway Post-Graduate Colloquium of Animal and Plant Ecological Research (CAPER). Ryan Institute, NUIG, Thursday 3rd December, 2015.
M.N. Harith, C. O’ Donnell and A.M. Power (2015) ‘Short notes on fish larvae composition from the Rockall Trough, Continental Shelf and Hebridean Shelf and Slope’ NUI Galway Post-Graduate Colloquium of Animal and Plant Ecological Research (CAPER). Ryan Institute, NUIG, Thursday 3rd December, 2015. Research Seminar [Details] |
(2010) | 'Surgical Adhesives from the Sea' College of Science Research Day, NUIG, October 2010.
Jaimie-Leigh Jonker, Anne Marie Power (2010) 'Surgical Adhesives from the Sea' College of Science Research Day, NUIG, October 2010. Research Seminar [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2016) | 'Discovery of Barnacle Adhesive Genes (Lepas anatifera)'. Sea Change Researchers Workshop, Marine Institute 30 June 2016.
Sean D. McCarthy, Liam Doonan & Anne Marie Power (2016) (2016) 'Discovery of Barnacle Adhesive Genes (Lepas anatifera)'. Sea Change Researchers Workshop, Marine Institute 30 June 2016. Workshops [Details] |
Honours and Awards
Year | Title | Awarding Body | |
2020 | Teaching Excellence Award CoSE | College of Science & Engineering |
Professional Associations
Association | Function | From / To | |
Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | Charity and Research Association | 01-OCT-04 / 20-JAN-17 |
Committee | Function | From / To | |
SNS Executive Committee | Zoology representative | 01-APR-21 / 30-SEP-22 | |
SNS Health & Safety Committee | Committee member | 01-JUL-17 / 04-MAY-21 | |
College Science Research Committee | Represent Ryan Institute | 01-MAR-14 / 20-JAN-17 | |
School Natural Sciences Research Committee | Represent Biodiversity & Bioresources Research Cluster | 01-MAR-13 / 20-JAN-17 | |
Ryan Institute Strategy Committee | Represent Biodiversity & Bioresources Research Cluster | 01-JUN-12 / 20-JAN-17 | |
Biodiversity & Bioresources Research Cluster | Cluster Leader | 01-JUN-12 / 20-JAN-17 | |
University Disability Liaison Committee | College of Science nominee/representative | 01-SEP-06 / 01-OCT-10 |
Year | Institution | Qualification | Subject | |
1995 | University College Cork | BSc (Hons) | Applied Ecology | |
2000 | University College Cork | PhD | Zoology | |
2016 | NUIG | Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching | Professional Practice |
Community Engagement
Title | Type | From / To | |
Research (e.g. Community based research) | Research Gate Project ENBA Bioadhesion | 01-NOV-16 / 20-JAN-17 | |
Outreach | BarnacleHunt Twitter feed | 01-JUN-12 / 20-JAN-17 | |
Outreach | Amazing Goose Barnacle Facebook Page | 01-JUN-12 / 20-JAN-17 |
Other Activities
Description | |
2021 - Head of Discipline Zoology |
(2017 - present) ICES WG CEPHS International Council for Exploration of the Sea – Working Group on Cephalopod Life History |
(2011 - 2017) ICES WGZE International Council for Exploration of the Sea – Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology |
2016 - 2017 Expert reviewer Fund for Scientific Research – FNRS Belgium |
2009 - 2015 State Exams Commission |
2015 - 2020 Associate Editor 'Frontiers in Marine Science' |
2014 - 2016 Associate Editor 'Scientific Reports' |
2015 - 2016 Associate Editor 'Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK' |
2010 - 2020 Associate Editor 'Minding Animals' |
2014 - 2017 Expert evaluator North Sea Advisory Council- long term management plans (fishing) |
2016 - 2017 Expert reviewer Leverhulme Trust, UK |
Teaching Interests
Recent Postgraduate Students
Graduation | Name | Degree | Primary Supervisor | |
2015 | Mohd Faizzi Yusof | PhD | Y | |
2013 | Jaimie-Leigh Jonker | PhD | Y | |
2011 | Niall McGinty | PhD | Y | |
2008 | Ronan O'Reilly | PhD | ||
2006 | Fiona Kavanagh | PhD | Y | |
2016 | Julian Merder | Msc | Y | |
2010 | Herve Darzacq | Msc | Y | |
2006 | Anne O'Shaughnessy | PhD | Y | |
2011 | Conor Dolan | Msc | Y | |
2011 | Paul McEvilly | Msc | Y | |
2008 | Brechtje Zwanenberg | Msc | Y |
Modules Taught
Term/Year | Module Title | Module Code | Subject / Desc | |
2016/17 | Advanced Zoology Topics | ZO414 | ||
2016/17 | Marine & Coastal Ecology | ZO417 | 4MR, 4BS, 4EV, | |
2016/17 | Invertebrate Zoology | ZO208 | ||
2016/17 | Marine Habitats | ZO3101 | ||
2016/17 | Integrative Zoology | ZO416 | ||
2016/17 | Literature Review in Zoology | ZO425 | ||
2016/17 | Final year project in Zoology | ZO4101 | ||
2016/17 | Biology | BO101 | examining only | |
2016/17 | Marine Science Research Project | MR413 | ||
2016/17 | Marine Science Essay and Presentation | MR409 | ||
2016/17 | Population & Community Ecology | ZO320 | 3MR, 3EV, 3BS, 1OA1, 1EM |