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Mr. Enda Fallon
Contact Details
Mechanical & Biomedical Eng
New Engineering Building
NUI Galway
T: Ext. 2745
E: enda.fallon@nuigalway.ie

Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | 'Augmenting Critical Care Patient Monitoring Using Wearable Technology: Review of Usability and Human Factors'
Andrade E;Quinlan L;Harte R;Byrne D;Fallon E;Kelly M;Casey S;Kirrane F;O'Connor P;O'Hora D;Scully M;Laffey J;Pladys P;Beuchée A;ÓLaighin G; (2021) 'Augmenting Critical Care Patient Monitoring Using Wearable Technology: Review of Usability and Human Factors'. Jmir Human Factors, 8 (2) [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'An equipment qualification framework for healthcare'
Hale,D; Fallon,EF; FitzGerald,C; (2020) 'An equipment qualification framework for healthcare'. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 10 (1):47-59 [Details] |
(2020) | 'Novel Interface Designs for Patient Monitoring Applications in Critical Care Medicine: Human Factors Review'
Andrade E;Quinlan L;Harte R;Byrne D;Fallon E;Kelly M;Casey S;Kirrane F;O'Connor P;O'Hora D;Scully M;Laffey J;Pladys P;Beuchée A;ÓLaighin G; (2020) 'Novel Interface Designs for Patient Monitoring Applications in Critical Care Medicine: Human Factors Review'. Jmir Human Factors, 7 (3) [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | 'A Proposed Projects' Overrun Management Proposal using Projects Classification'
AbuKwaik,A; Fallon,EF; Donnellan,P; (2018) 'A Proposed Projects' Overrun Management Proposal using Projects Classification'. Journal of Advanced Management Science, 6 (3):169-173 [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | 'An exploration of the extent of Lean Six Sigma implementation in the West of Ireland'
Iyede, R: Fallon, EF: Donnellan, P: (2018) 'An exploration of the extent of Lean Six Sigma implementation in the West of Ireland'. International Journal Of Lean Six Sigma, 9 (3) [Details] |
(2015) | 'An analysis of open innovation practices in the medical technology sector in Ireland'
McCormack, B., Fallon, E. and Cormican, K. (2015) 'An analysis of open innovation practices in the medical technology sector in Ireland'. Procedia Manufacturing, [Details] |
(2015) | 'Temporal patterns of discomfort reported by plasterers over a five-day workweek'
Nugent, R,Fallon, E (2015) 'Temporal patterns of discomfort reported by plasterers over a five-day workweek'. Work-A Journal Of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 51 :683-701 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'An Analysis of the Impact on Trends in Automation on Human Error Potential in Brachytherapy'
Fallon, E., Galičič, M., Chadwick, L., van der Putten, W., (2015) 'An Analysis of the Impact on Trends in Automation on Human Error Potential in Brachytherapy'. Procedia Manufacturing, 3 :234-241 [Details] |
(2013) | 'A taxonomy for Root Cause Analysis of Radiotherapy Incidents'
Sands,G; van der Putten,W; Fallon,EF; (2013) 'A taxonomy for Root Cause Analysis of Radiotherapy Incidents'. Physica Medica, European Journal Of Medical Physics, 29 (5 September) [Details] |
(2013) | 'A taxonomy for Root Cause Analysis of Radiotherapy Incidents'
Sands,G; van der Putten,W; Fallon,EF; Galicic,M; (2013) 'A taxonomy for Root Cause Analysis of Radiotherapy Incidents'. Physica Medica, European Journal Of Medical Physics, 29 (5) [Details] |
(2013) | 'Evaluation and critique of Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis applied in a Radiotherapy case study'
Chadwick, L: Fallon, EF: (2013) 'Evaluation and critique of Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis applied in a Radiotherapy case study'. Human Factors And Ergonomics In Manufacturing & Service Industries, 23 (22):116-127 [Details] |
(2012) | 'Functional safety of health information technology'
Chadwick, L;Fallon, EF;van der Putten, WJ;Kirrane, F (2012) 'Functional safety of health information technology'. Health Informatics Journal, 18 :36-49 [DOI] [Details] |
van der Putten, W., Fallon, E., (2012) 'NETWORKING AND CONNECTIVITY IN RADIOTHERAPY: OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS'. Radiotherapy And Oncology : Journal Of The European Society For Therapeutic Radiology And Oncology, 103 (May) [Details] |
(2012) | 'Human reliability assessment of a critical nursing task in a radiotherapy treatment process'
Chadwick, L,Fallon, EF (2012) 'Human reliability assessment of a critical nursing task in a radiotherapy treatment process'. Applied Ergonomics, 43 :89-97 [DOI] [Details] |
(2009) | 'Sources and nature of secondary school teachers' education in computer-related ergonomics'
Dockrell, S;Fallon, E;Kelly, M;Galvin, R (2009) 'Sources and nature of secondary school teachers' education in computer-related ergonomics'. Computers And Education, 53 :504-510 [DOI] [Details] |
(2007) | 'School children's use of computers and teachers' education in computer ergonomics'
Dockrell, S;Fallon, E;Kelly, M;Masterson, B;Shields, N (2007) 'School children's use of computers and teachers' education in computer ergonomics'. Ergonomics, 50 :1657-1667 [DOI] [Details] |
(2007) | 'Special Edition on, Advances in Agile Enterprises'
Duffy, V., Fallon, E.F., (Eds.) (2007) 'Special Edition on, Advances in Agile Enterprises'. Human Factors And Ergonomics In Manufacturing, 17 (5&6):413-586 [Details] |
(2000) | 'Dialogues on function allocation'
McCarthy, JC;Fallon, E;Bannon, L (2000) 'Dialogues on function allocation'. International Journal Of Human-Computer Studies, 52 :191-201 [Details] |
(2003) | 'A commentary on developing work and quality improvement strategies IV'
Fallon, E. (2003) 'A commentary on developing work and quality improvement strategies IV'. AI and Society, 17 (2):192-195 [Details] |
(2003) | 'Ergonomics in schools – Are we meeting the needs of our schoolchildren?'
Dockrell, S., Kelly, M., Masterson, B., & Shields, N. (2003) 'Ergonomics in schools – Are we meeting the needs of our schoolchildren?'. Physiotherapy Ireland, 24 (2):38-39 [Details] |
(2000) | 'Special Edition on, Allocation of Functions'
McCarthy, J., & Bannon L. (Eds.) (2000) 'Special Edition on, Allocation of Functions'. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 52 (2):191-383 [Details] |
(1996) | 'CSCW in Practice: An Introduction and Case Studies, by D. Diaper & C. Sanger'
Fallon, E. (1996) 'CSCW in Practice: An Introduction and Case Studies, by D. Diaper & C. Sanger'. Ergonomics Abstracts, 28 (4) [Details] |
(1996) | 'Definition and construction of a single switch control environment for music composition'
Junker, C,Fallon, EF (1996) 'Definition and construction of a single switch control environment for music composition'. International Journal Of Rehabilitation Research, 19 :79-87 [Details] |
(1995) | 'Basic Guide to System Safety by J.W. Vincoli, Van Nostrand Reinhold (1993)'
Fallon, E. (1995) 'Basic Guide to System Safety by J.W. Vincoli, Van Nostrand Reinhold (1993)'. Journal of Production Planning and Control, 5 (5) [Details] |
Other Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | 'Report on the ESTRO task group on Quality management in radiation therapy'
C. Ceberg, E. Fallon, M. Guckenberger, K. Herlevin, N. Jornet, T. Knöös, P. Nilsson, M. Tomsej, A. Vaandering (2015) 'Report on the ESTRO task group on Quality management in radiation therapy' Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), 115: :162-163. [Details] |
(1987) | 'Report on the Fourth Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference'
Fallon, E. (1987) 'Report on the Fourth Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference' The Ergonomist, 10 . [Details] |
Edited Books
Year | Publication | |
(2014) | Irish Ergonomics Review 2014.
Fallon, E.F., Galicic, M., Chadwick, L., van der Putten, W. (Ed.). (2014) Irish Ergonomics Review 2014 Irish Ergonomics Review 2014. Galway, IRL, Limerick IRL: Irish Ergonomics Society & COHSEE NUI Galway. [Details] |
(2004) | HAAMAHA'04: Human and Organisational Issues in the Digital Enterprise Vols.1&2.
Fallon, E.F., Karwowski, W. (Ed.). (2004) HAAMAHA'04: Human and Organisational Issues in the Digital Enterprise Vols.1&2 HAAMAHA'04: Human and Organisational Issues in the Digital Enterprise Vols.1&2. Galway, IRL: Industrial Engineering NUI Galway. [Details] |
(2013) | Irish Ergonomics Review 2013.
Fallon, E.F., Galicic, M., O'Sullivan L. (Ed.). (2013) Irish Ergonomics Review 2013 Irish Ergonomics Review 2013. Limerick IRL: Irish Ergonomics Society & COHSEE NUI Galway. [Details] |
(1997) | ALLFN'97 Revisiting the Allocation of Functions Issue: New Perspectives Vols. 1&2.
Fallon, E.F., Bannon, L., McCarthy, J.C (Ed.). (1997) ALLFN'97 Revisiting the Allocation of Functions Issue: New Perspectives Vols. 1&2 ALLFN'97 Revisiting the Allocation of Functions Issue: New Perspectives Vols. 1&2. Louisville KY: IEA Press. [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2012) | 'Testing the Systems and Error Analysis Bundle for Healthcare using a Prescription Administration Process in a Cardiothoracic Unit case-study'
Chadwick, L, Fallon, E. F., van der Putten, W. J., (2012) 'Testing the Systems and Error Analysis Bundle for Healthcare using a Prescription Administration Process in a Cardiothoracic Unit case-study' In: Advances in Human Aspects of Healthcare. Boca Raton, Fl.:: CRC Press / Taylor and Francis, Ltd. [Details] |
(2011) | 'Human Factors Engineering: Radiotherapy Application'
Fallon, E.F., Chadwick, L., van der Putten, W., (2011) 'Human Factors Engineering: Radiotherapy Application' In: Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press. [Details] |
(2010) | 'HFMEA™ of a Radiotherapy Information System – Challenges & Recommendations for Future Studies'
Chadwick, L., Fallon, E., (2010) 'HFMEA™ of a Radiotherapy Information System – Challenges & Recommendations for Future Studies' In: Advances in Human Aspects of Healthcare. Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press; Taylor and Francis, Ltd. [Details] |
(2010) | 'An Analysis of the Impact of Trends in Automation on Roles in Radiotherapy Using Function Allocation'
Fallon, E., Chadwick, L., van der Putten, W.J., (2010) 'An Analysis of the Impact of Trends in Automation on Roles in Radiotherapy Using Function Allocation' In: Advances in Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Safety in Manufacturing and Service Industries. Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press; Taylor and Francis, Ltd. [Details] |
(2009) | 'Learning from Risk Assessment in Radiotherapy'
Fallon, E., Chadwick, L., van der Putten, W.J., (2009) 'Learning from Risk Assessment in Radiotherapy' In: Digital Human Modelling, LCNS520. :502-511 Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. [Details] |
(2001) | 'Allocation of functions: past, present and future perspectives'
Fallon, E.F. (2001) 'Allocation of functions: past, present and future perspectives' In: International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors. :363-369 London: Taylor and Francis. [Details] |
(2001) | 'Computer simulation: Applications to human factors and ergonomics'
Fallon, E.F. (2001) 'Computer simulation: Applications to human factors and ergonomics' In: International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors. :1771-1774 London: Taylor and Francis. [Details] |
(1990) | 'The role of CAD in the ergonomics design process'
Fallon, E. (1990) 'The role of CAD in the ergonomics design process' In: Computer-Aided Ergonomics. London: Taylor and Francis. [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | WOS22 Workingonsafety, Focus on Humans in a Technological World
Hoy, K., Fallon, E., & Kelly, M., (2022) Paediatric Homecare Risk Management: An Application of Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) WOS22 Workingonsafety, Focus on Humans in a Technological World Olhao, Portugal, , 25-SEP-22 - 28-SEP-22 [Details] |
(2022) | Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2022, Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors
Hoy, K., Fallon, E., & Kelly, M., (2022) Paediatric Homecare Risk Management: A Functional Resonance Analysis Method Study of Incident and Risk Management . In: David Golightly and Nora Balfe eds. Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2022, Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors [Details] |
Andrade, E;Quinlan, LR;Harte, R;Byrne, D;Fallon, E;Kelly, M;O'Connor, P;O'Hora, D;Scully, M;Laffey, J;Pladys, P;Beuchee, A;OLaighin, G (2019) Investigation of the Human Factors, Usability and User Experience of Patient Monitors used in a Hospital Setting HUMAN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, IHSED2018 , pp.352-357 [DOI] [Details] |
Andrade, E;Quinlan, LR;Harte, R;Byrne, D;Fallon, E;Kelly, M;O'Connor, P;O'Hora, D;Scully, M;Laffey, J;Pladys, P;Beuchee, A;OLaighin, G (2019) State of the Art and Future Trends in the Usability of Patient Monitors HUMAN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, IHSED2018 , pp.338-344 [DOI] [Details] |
Harte, R;Quinlan, LR;Andrade, E;Fallon, E;Kelly, M;O'Connor, P;O'Hora, D;Pladys, P;Beuchee, A;OLaighin, G (2019) Prototyping a User Interface for a New Sepsis Risk Decision Support System Using Participatory Design HUMAN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, IHSED2018 , pp.242-248 [DOI] [Details] |
Harte, R;Quinlan, LR;Andrade, E;Fallon, E;Kelly, M;O'Connor, P;O'Hora, D;Pladys, P;Beuchee, A;OLaighin, G (2019) Defining User Needs for a New Sepsis Risk Decision Support System in Neonatal ICU Settings Through Ethnography: User Interviews and Participatory Design HUMAN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, IHSED2018 , pp.221-227 [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | 4TH International Conference on Production Economics And Project Evaluation (ICOPEV 2018)
Cloherty, P., Donnellan, P., Fallon, E., O'Kelly, M.E.J., Araujo, M. (2018) Using individual - differences to identify potential lean leaders and contributors among an organization's workforce 4TH International Conference on Production Economics And Project Evaluation (ICOPEV 2018) , pp.172-178 [Details] |
(2018) | The 3nd (ICQEM) International Conference on quality engineering and management
Abugeddida, R, Donnellan, P., Fallon, E.F., (2018) STRATEGIC QUALITY MANAGEMENT AIRPORTS THE CASE OF LIBYAN AIRPORTS Investigations with a focus on the operational processes The 3nd (ICQEM) International Conference on quality engineering and management University of Catalonia, Spain, [Details] |
(2017) | The 2nd (ICQEM) International Conference on quality engineering and management
R. Abugeddida, P. Donnellan, E. Fallon (2017) Analyzing the Processes at Misurata Airport using the Service Blueprint Method The 2nd (ICQEM) International Conference on quality engineering and management The university of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal, [Details] |
(2017) | Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering - ACSEE 2017
AbuKwaik,A; Fallon,EF; Donnellan,P; (2017) The Analysis of Project Delay Factors Using the Double-Roof House of Quality Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering - ACSEE 2017 Rome, , 27-MAY-17 - 28-MAY-17 , pp.22-26 [DOI] [Details] |
(2016) | IMC33 the 33rd International Manufacturing Conference
Abukwaik, A.,, Fallon E., Donnellan, P., (2016) Edible Oil Bottle Redesign for Automated Assembly and Productivity Improvement IMC33 the 33rd International Manufacturing Conference Limerick, Ireland, , 01-SEP-16 - 02-SEP-16 [Details] |
(2015) | Proceedings of the 32 nd International Manufacturing Conference - IMC 32: Digital Manufacturing
Abugeddida, R., Donnellan, P., Fallon, E. (2015) SWOT Analysis as a Tool for Strategic Planning A Case Study : Misurata Airport . In: Dr Joe Butterfield and Paul Hermon eds. Proceedings of the 32 nd International Manufacturing Conference - IMC 32: Digital Manufacturing Queens University, Belfast, Ireland, , 02-SEP-15 - 04-SEP-15 [Details] |
(2015) | WOS'2015, Working on Safety Conference, Smart Prevention for Sustainable Safety
Donnellan, P., Drapiewska, M., Fallon, E. (2015) Safety Climate Considerations in the Development of a Management System for Safety, Environment, and Process Control in Engineering laboratories at the National University of Ireland, Galway . In: Pedro Arezes eds. WOS'2015, Working on Safety Conference, Smart Prevention for Sustainable Safety Porto, Portugal, , 23-SEP-15 - 25-SEP-15 [Details] |
(2014) | Irish Ergonomics Review 2014, Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference and Symposium on Lean and Patient Safety in Healthcare: Lessons from the Medical Device Industry
Hale, D., Fallon, E., (2014) Born Lean - Adding Value at the Installation Stage of Fixed Installed Medical Equipment in Healthcare . In: Fallon, E. F., Galicic, M., Chadwick, L., van der Putten, W. eds. Irish Ergonomics Review 2014, Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference and Symposium on Lean and Patient Safety in Healthcare: Lessons from the Medical Device Industry Galway, Ireland, [Details] |
(2014) | 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE2014): Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling
Hale, D., Fallon, E., (2014) Assessing the Precision of Anthropometric Measurements: A Six Sigma Approach . In: Duffy, V.G. eds. 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE2014): Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling Krakow, Poland, [Details] |
(2014) | An BEAI Annual Scientific Conference. Biomedical & Clinical Engineering
Hale, D., Fallon, E., (2014) Equipment Qualification Approach to New Medical Device Introduction An BEAI Annual Scientific Conference. Biomedical & Clinical Engineering [Details] |
(2014) | Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE2014) – 3rd International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare
Galičič, M., Fallon, E., van der Putten, W. Sands, G., (2014) Measuring Mental Workload of Medical Physicists, Radiation Therapists and Dosimetrists at the Five Stages of Radiation Treatment Planning in External-Beam Radiotherapy using NASA-TLX . In: Duffy, V.G. eds. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE2014) – 3rd International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare Krakow, Poland, [Details] |
(2013) | Irish Ergonomics Review 2013, Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference & Symposium on Human factors in Healthcare and Patient Safety
Galicic, M; Fallon, E; van der Putten, W; Sands, G. (2013) Challenges of applying NASA-TLX to Brachytherapy . In: Fallon, E.F., Galicic, M., O'Sullivan, L. eds. Irish Ergonomics Review 2013, Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference & Symposium on Human factors in Healthcare and Patient Safety Galway, Ireland, , pp.59-63 [Details] |
(2013) | Irish Ergonomics Review 2013. Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference & Symposium on Human Factors in Healthcare and Patient Safety
Sullivan, F.J., Chadwick, L., van der Putten, W., O'Connor, P., Khalid, J., Fallon, E.F., (2013) Can complex medical processes such as prostate seed brachytherapy be more effectively taught? Lessons learned from aviation . In: Fallon, E.F., Galicic, M., O'Sullivan, L.W. eds. Irish Ergonomics Review 2013. Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference & Symposium on Human Factors in Healthcare and Patient Safety Galway, Ireland, [Details] |
(2013) | rish Ergonomics Review 2013, Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference & Symposium on Human factors in Healthcare and Patient Safety
Nugent, R., Fallon, E. (2013) Ergonomics aspects of plasterers' work . In: Fallon, E.F., Galicic, M., Chadwick, L., O'Sullivan, L. eds. rish Ergonomics Review 2013, Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference & Symposium on Human factors in Healthcare and Patient Safety Galway, Ireland, [Details] |
(2013) | Irish Ergonomics Review 2013, Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference and Symposium on Human Factors in Healthcare and Patient Safety
Hale, D., Fallon, E., (2013) Medical Device Usability Testing Methods for Reducing Medical Error in Healthcare . In: Fallon, E.F., Galicic, M., Chadwick, L., O'Sullivan, L. eds. Irish Ergonomics Review 2013, Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference and Symposium on Human Factors in Healthcare and Patient Safety Galway, Ireland, [Details] |
(2012) | Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference: Why do people do what they do? Behavioral safety, ergonomics and human factors in the workplace
Hale, D., Fallon, E., (2012) Human Factors in the Equipment Qualification of Medical Device Manufacturing Equipment . In: Intel Corporation eds. Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference: Why do people do what they do? Behavioral safety, ergonomics and human factors in the workplace Intel, Kildare, Ireland, [Details] |
(2012) | Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Sands, G., Galičič M., van der Putten, W., Fallon, E., (2012) Mammo-Site Brachytherapy; A safety approach to Quality Assurance using IDEFØ diagrams Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Bejing, China, , 21-MAY-12 - 26-MAY-12 [Details] |
(2009) | 1st International conference on Modern Radiotherapy: Challenges and advances in radiation protection of patients
Chadwick, L., van der Putten, W.J., Fallon, E.. (2009) Risk Assessment in Radiotherapy using tools from systems engineering . In: French Nuclear Regulator eds. 1st International conference on Modern Radiotherapy: Challenges and advances in radiation protection of patients Versailles, France, , 02-DEC-09 - 04-DEC-09 [Details] |
(2009) | 17th World International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Congress and the Chinese Ergonomics Society
Nugent, R., Fallon, E. (2009) Evaluating musculoskeletal disorder risk to Irish Plasterers using the Quick Exposure Check . In: Chinese Ergonomics Society eds. 17th World International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Congress and the Chinese Ergonomics Society Beijing, China, , 09-AUG-09 - 14-AUG-09 [Details] |
(2009) | International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene SHO 2009
Chadwick, L., O'Brien, Fallon, E., (2009) Opportunities for error recovery related to handwritten hospital prescriptions in a critical care environment . In: P. Arezes, J.S. Baptista, M.P. Barroso, P. Carneiro, P. Cordeiro, N. Costa, R. Melo, A.S. Miguel & G.P. Perestrelo eds. International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene SHO 2009 Guimarães, Portugal, [Details] |
(2009) | WC 2009, IFMBE Proceedings 25/XII
Chadwick, L., van der Putten, W.J., Fallon, E.. (2009) Risk Assessment in Radiotherapy - Lessons from Systems Engineering . In: Dössel, O. Schlegel, W. eds. WC 2009, IFMBE Proceedings 25/XII , pp.251-254 [Details] |
(2009) | Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of the International Society for Quality in Health Care: Designing for Quality
Chadwick, L., van der Putten, W.J., Kelly, J., (2009) Risk assessment of patient records in radiotherapy Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of the International Society for Quality in Health Care: Designing for Quality Dublin, Ireland, [Details] |
(2009) | World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Fallon,E; Chadwick,L; van der Putten,W; (2009) Risk Assessment in Radiotherapy - Lessons from Systems Engineering . In: Dössel O., Schlegel W.C. (eds) eds. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Munich, , 07-SEP-09 - 12-SEP-09 , pp.251-254 [DOI] [Details] |
(2008) | Irish Ergonomics Review
Dockrell, S., Fallon, E., Kelly, M. and Galvin, R (2008) Computer Use and Ergonomics in Post Primary Schools Irish Ergonomics Review , pp.2-4 [Details] |
(2008) | An ergonomic assessment of blocklaying task eleAHFE'2008 International; Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics
Nugent, R., Gill, D., Fallon, E., (2008) An ergonomic assessment of block laying task elements using the Quick Exposure Check (QEC) . In: Karwoski, W.; Salvendy, G eds. An ergonomic assessment of blocklaying task eleAHFE'2008 International; Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Las Vegas; USA, , 14-JUL-08 - 17-JUL-08 [Details] |
(2008) | Irish Ergonomics Review, Proceedings of the Annual Irish Ergonomics Society Conference
Dockrell, S., Kelly, M., Galvin, R., Fallon, E., (2008) Computer use and ergonomics in post primary schools Irish Ergonomics Review, Proceedings of the Annual Irish Ergonomics Society Conference Dublin, , pp.2-3 [Details] |
(2008) | International Conference on Healthcare Systems, Ergonomics and Patient Safety
Chadwick, L., Fallon, E., (2008) Examining the application of a Human-Error Identification technique to determine the Performance-Shaping Factors that affect dental care International Conference on Healthcare Systems, Ergonomics and Patient Safety Strasbourg, France, , 25-JUN-08 - 27-JUN-08 [Details] |
(2008) | AHFE'2008: Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics
Chadwick, L., Fallon, E., (2008) The analysis and application of Human Error Identification in dental care . In: Karwowski, W., Salvendy, G. eds. AHFE'2008: Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Las Vegas, [Details] |
(2007) | Ergonomics in Contemporary Enterprises, Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing Agility and Hybrid Automation
Chadwick, L., Fallon, E., (2007) Applying human error identification in dental care . In: Pacholski, L.M.; Trzcielinski, S eds. Ergonomics in Contemporary Enterprises, Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing Agility and Hybrid Automation Poznan, Poland, [Details] |
(2007) | Contemporary Ergonomics 2007, Proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference
Dunne, M., Fallon, E., (2007) An ergonomic evaluation of the seated position at a hairdresser's workstation . In: Bust, P eds. Contemporary Ergonomics 2007, Proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference Nottingham, [Details] |
(2007) | Contemporary Ergonomics 2007, Proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference
Nugent, R., Hegarty, S., Fallon, E., (2007) An ergonomic study of blocklaying . In: Bust, P eds. Contemporary Ergonomics 2007, Proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference Nottingham, [Details] |
(2003) | Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of The International Ergonomics Association (IEA); 7th Joint Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Japan and the Japanese Ergonomics Society
Dockrell, S., Fallon, E., Kelly, M., Masterson, B., Shields, N. (2003) An Investigation of primary school teachers' education on computer related ergonomics Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of The International Ergonomics Association (IEA); 7th Joint Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Japan and the Japanese Ergonomics Society [Details] |
(2003) | Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of The International Ergonomics Association (IEA); 7th Joint Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Japan and the Japanese Ergonomics Society
Mannion, S., Duignan, C., Fallon, E., (2003) A biomechanical analysis of the impact on baggage handlers of unloading and loading an aircraft while using a mobile baggage conveyor system . In: Ergonomics Society of Korea eds. Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of The International Ergonomics Association (IEA); 7th Joint Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Japan and the Japanese Ergonomics Society Seoul, Korea, [Details] |
(2003) | Irish Ergonomics Review
Dockrell, S. Fallon, E. Kelly, M. Masterson, B. Shields (2003) Computers in primary schools in the Republic of Ireland ? Use and ergonomics Irish Ergonomics Review , pp.31-36 [Details] |
(2003) | Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of The International Ergonomics Association (IEA); 7th Joint Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Japan and the Japanese Ergonomics Society
Conway, S., Duignan, C., Fallon, E., (2003) An assessment of the physiological effects on baggage handlers of unloading and loading an aircraft while using a mobile baggage conveyor system Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of The International Ergonomics Association (IEA); 7th Joint Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Japan and the Japanese Ergonomics Society Seoul Korea: The Ergonomics Society of Korea, , pp.459-461 [Details] |
(2002) | ORP'2002 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention
Mitchell, D. A., Diez Campa, Fallon, E., (2002) An investigation of the relative accuracy of 3Dmotion analysis and electro-goniometers in measuring wrist flexion and extension . In: Mondelo, P.R.; Karwowski, W.; Mattila, M eds. ORP'2002 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention Gran Canaria Island, [Details] |
(2002) | Contemporary Ergonomics 2002, Proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference
Fernandez Carro, L., Diez Campa, Fallon, E., (2002) An investigation of the impact of cleanroom environments on workers in the medical device manufacturing industry . In: McCabe, P.T eds. Contemporary Ergonomics 2002, Proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference Cambridge, , pp.390-395 [Details] |
(2000) | IMC-17 Building on Manufacturing Advances of the Nineties; Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee
O'Regan, N., Fallon, E., (2000) An ergonomic evaluation of hand tools and workstation design in an industrial setting . In: Donnellan, P eds. IMC-17 Building on Manufacturing Advances of the Nineties; Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee Department of Industrial Engineering, National University of Ireland, Galway, , pp.419-426 [Details] |
(1999) | TQM and Human Factors – towards successful integration
Power, F., Fallon, E., (1999) Integrating Occupational Health and Safety Activities with Total Quality Management . In: Axelsson, J.; Eklund, J.; Bergman, B eds. TQM and Human Factors – towards successful integration Centre for Studies of Humans, Technology and Organisation, Linkoping, , pp.445-450 [Details] |
(1999) | ICPR-15, Manufacturing for a Global Market
O'Neill, N., Kelly, M.B., Fallon, E., (1999) The relevance of ergonomics issues in developing and selecting shiftwork systems in large manufacturing organizations in Ireland . In: Hillery, M.; Lewis, H.J eds. ICPR-15, Manufacturing for a Global Market University of Limerick, Limerick, , pp.1013-1016 [Details] |
(1999) | Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Ergonomics and Safety (CAE'99)
Fallon, E., Kelly, M.B., (1999) Usability of Computer Aided Ergonomics (CAE) Tools: Users’ perceptions . In: Mondelo P.; Mattila, M.; Karwowski, W eds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Ergonomics and Safety (CAE'99) Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya, Barcelona, [Details] |
(1999) | 15th International Conference on Production Research
O'Neill, N., Kelly, M. and Fallon, E., (1999) The Relevance of Ergonomic Issues in Developing and Selecting Shiftwork Systems in Large Manufacturing Industries in Ireland 15th International Conference on Production Research [Details] |
(1997) | Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Job Design and Product Design
Fallon, E., Gill,M., (1997) The effectiveness of using combined mimic / emergent features and mimic / multi-level flow modelling displays in a pilot process control environment . In: Harris, D eds. Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Job Design and Product Design UK, [Details] |
(1997) | ALLFN’97, Revisiting the Allocation of Functions Issue: New Perspectives
Kearney, D., Fallon, E., (1997) The role of the user in the Irish software industry . In: Fallon, E.F.; Hogan, M.; Bannon, L.; McCarthy, J eds. ALLFN’97, Revisiting the Allocation of Functions Issue: New Perspectives Galway, Ireland, , pp.167-175 [Details] |
(1997) | Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Congress
Fallon, E., O'Reilly, C. (1997) An investigation into the effects of vibration exposure an seating on ride comfort in buses on Irish roads . In: Luopajarvi, T.; Mattila, M.; Nygard, C.H.; Seppala, P eds. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Congress Tampere, Finland, [Details] |
(1997) | ALLFN?97
Bannon, L., McCarthy, J. (eds.) (1997) Revisiting the Allocation of Functions Issue: New Perspectives ALLFN?97 [Details] |
(1996) | Proceedings of the Irish Manufacturing Committee Conference(IMC-13), Re-Engineering for World Class Manufacturing
Fallon, E. (1996) Does ergonomics have a role in Irish manufacturing? . In: Hillery, M.T eds. Proceedings of the Irish Manufacturing Committee Conference(IMC-13), Re-Engineering for World Class Manufacturing Limerick, Ireland, [Details] |
(1996) | Advances in Applied Ergonomics
Fallon, E., F., Jameson, C.M. (1996) An ergonomic assessment of the appropriateness of primary school furniture in Ireland . In: Ozok, A.F.; Salvendy, G eds. Advances in Applied Ergonomics Istanbul, Turkey, , pp.770-773 [Details] |
(1996) | 3rd Annual Conference of the Irish Ergonomics Society
Hogan, M. & Fallon, E. F. (1996) A Comparison of Three User Requirements Gathering Techniques 3rd Annual Conference of the Irish Ergonomics Society [Details] |
(1995) | Advances in Industrial Ergonomics & Safety VII
Fallon, E., Hogan, M., Gill, M., Foley, E. (1995) User requirements for a computerized system of health and safety information in Ireland . In: Bittner, A.C.; Champney, P.C eds. Advances in Industrial Ergonomics & Safety VII Istanbul, Turkey, , pp.803-809 [Details] |
(1994) | Proceedings of the 12th Congress of The International Ergonomics Association (IEA)
Nallen, P.G., McCarthy, M., O'Kelly, M.E.J. (1994) The use of Monte-Carlo simulation in workstation design Proceedings of the 12th Congress of The International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Toronto, Canada, [Details] |
(1993) | IMC10 Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee
Saunders, R.P., (1993) The potential threat of repetitive strain injuries to Irish manufacturing industry . In: Nolan, P.J eds. IMC10 Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee Galway, Ireland, [Details] |
(1992) | Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing and Hybrid Automation
Fallon, E. (1992) Towards the development of a computer-aided shop floor control station design system . In: Peter Brodner eds. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing and Hybrid Automation Gelsenkirchen, Germany, [Details] |
(1991) | An investigation of the concept of designer style and its implications Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety
Fallon, E., Dillon, A., Sweeney, M., & Herring, V., (1991) An investigation of the concept of designer style and its implications for the design of CAD Man-Machine Interfaces . In: Karwowski, W.; Yates, J.W eds. An investigation of the concept of designer style and its implications Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Reno, Nevada, [Details] |
(1988) | Alvey MMI Conference
Dillon, A., Sweeney, M., Herring, V., John, P., Fallon, E., (1988) Psychological Investigations of Designer Style Alvey MMI Conference [Details] |
(1988) | The importance and role of human Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Congress
Fallon, E., John, P., Sieumienuch, C., Sinclair, M., (1988) The importance and role of human factors in implementing advanced manufacturing technology The importance and role of human Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Congress Sydney, Australia, [Details] |
(1987) | Trends in Ergonomics / Human Factors IV
Fallon, E.F., Brennan, L., Gallwey, T.J., O'Kelly, M.E.J (1987) Effect of production feedback on a self-paced assembly line . In: Asfour, S.S eds. Trends in Ergonomics / Human Factors IV Reno, Nevada, [Details] |
(1986) | Proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference
Brennan, L., Gallwey, T.J., O'Kelly, M.E.J (1986) An investigation of the effects of ergonomic principles on flowline productivity . In: Oborne, D.J eds. Proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference Durham, UK, [Details] |
(1986) | Proceedings of IMC3
Fallon, E., Brennan, L., Gallwey, T.J., O'Kelly, M.E.J (1986) Simulation as a tool in Ergonomics . In: O'Kelly, M.E.J eds. Proceedings of IMC3 University College Galway, [Details] |
(1986) | Simulation modelling as a tool in human factors engineering. The Summer Simulation Conference
Brennan, L., Gallwey, T.J., O'Kelly, M.E.J (1986) Simulation modelling as a tool in human factors engineering Simulation modelling as a tool in human factors engineering. The Summer Simulation Conference Reno, Nevada, [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
Irish Ergonomics Review, Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference,
Nugent, R., Fallon, E. Analyzing Task Elements in Block Laying. [Published Abstract], Irish Ergonomics Review, Proceedings of the Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference, Dublin . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomic Society Annual Conference (1995),
Fallon, EF., Juncer, C. Design of a single switch control environment for music composition for a severely disabled user. [Conference Paper], Irish Ergonomic Society Annual Conference (1995), National University of Ireland Galway . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomics Society, Annual Conference (1996),
Fallon, EF., Hogan, M. A comparison of three user requirements gathering techniques in HCI. [Conference Paper], Irish Ergonomics Society, Annual Conference (1996), National University of Ireland Galway . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomic Society, Annual Conference (1997),
Fallon, EF., Banerjee, S., Fitzgerald, K., Kelly, M., O'Neill, N. Power, F. Participatory ergonomics in lecture hall design. [Conference Paper], Irish Ergonomic Society, Annual Conference (1997), National University of Ireland Galway . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomics Society, Annual Conference (1997),
Fallon, EF., Kearney, D. User-centred design in the Irish Software Industry. [Conference Paper], Irish Ergonomics Society, Annual Conference (1997), National University of Ireland Galway . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomic Society, 5th Annual Conference (1998),
Fallon, EF., Fitzgerald, K. A Study to Investigate the Incorporation of the Needs of Sports Spectators in Stadia Design in Ireland. [Conference Paper], Irish Ergonomic Society, 5th Annual Conference (1998), Limerick . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomic Society, 5th Annual Conference (1998),
Fallon, EF., Kelly, M. An Assessment of the Usability of the Irish University Web Sites. [Conference Paper], Irish Ergonomic Society, 5th Annual Conference (1998), Limerick . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomic Society, Annual Conference (1999),
Fallon, EF., Pahcon Iglesias, M. WINRULA, Computerised Rapid Upper Limb Assessment. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Irish Ergonomic Society, Annual Conference (1999), National University of Ireland Galway . [Details] |
Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Annual Conference (2003),
Fallon, EF., Dockrell, S., Masterson, B., Kelly, M., Shields, N. Ergonomics in schools: Are we meeting the needs of our school children?. [Conference Paper], Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Annual Conference (2003), Dublin . [Details] |
3rd International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention, ORP 2004 Santiago de Compostela (2004),
Fallon EF Ergonomic Aspects of Cleanrooms. [Invited Lecture], 3rd International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention, ORP 2004 Santiago de Compostela (2004), Santiago de Compostela . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference (2001),
Fallon, E., Using video motion analysis as part of an ergonomics assessment. [Oral Presentation], Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference (2001), Trinity College, Dublin . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference (2002),
Fallon, E., Obair thaighde ag cuir i gcomporaid coras 3D fis gluaiseacht anailis agus coras goniometer leictreach ag tomhais uilinn flexion / extension an rosta. [Oral Presentation], Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference (2002), Limerick Ireland . [Details] |
The XVth International Seminar of Ergonomics Teachers, The Polish Ergonomics Society (1998),
Fallon, E., Kelly, M.B., Educating Ergonomists in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], The XVth International Seminar of Ergonomics Teachers, The Polish Ergonomics Society (1998), Wroclaw, Poland . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference (2003),
Fallon, E., Ergonomics aspects of cleanroom gloves. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference (2003), Ireland . [Details] |
International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Symposium (2002),
Fallon, E., Diez Campa, M., Ergonomics of cleanrooms. [Invited Oral Presentation], International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Symposium (2002), Santiago, Chile . [Details] |
3rd International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) (2004),
Fallon, E. Ergonomics aspects of cleanrooms. [Invited Oral Presentation], 3rd International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) (2004), Santiago de Compostela, Spain . [Details] |
Nordic Institute for Advanced Training in Occupational Health NIVA, International Seminar on Current Trends in Research on Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders and their Prevention. (1994),
Fallon, E., Assessing work-related upper limb disorders in electricity-line workers. [Oral Presentation], Nordic Institute for Advanced Training in Occupational Health NIVA, International Seminar on Current Trends in Research on Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders and their Prevention. (1994), Krokklevia, Norway . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference (1994),
Fallon, E., Colleran, E., O'Kelly, M.E.J., The assessment of Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD) risks in electrical line-workers. [Oral Presentation], Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference (1994), Limerick, Ireland . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomics Annual Conference,
Fallon, E., Colleran, E., O'Kelly, M.E.J., The assessment of Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD) risks in electrical line-workers. [Oral Presentation], Irish Ergonomics Annual Conference, Limerick, Ireland . [Details] |
Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference (1994),
Fallon, E.F., Nallen, P., The use of Monte-Carlo simulation in ergonomics. [Oral Presentation], Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference (1994), Limerick, Ireland . [Details] |
Published Reports
Year | Publication | |
(2005) | Best Manual Handling Practices at Dublin Airport: Executive Summary.
Duignan, C., (2005) Best Manual Handling Practices at Dublin Airport: Executive Summary. Health and Safety Authority (HSA), Dublin. [Details] |
(2005) | Best Manual Handling Practices at Dublin Airport: Final Report.
Duignan, C., Fallon, E., (2005) Best Manual Handling Practices at Dublin Airport: Final Report. Health and Safety Authority (HSA), Dublin. [Details] |
Other Item
Year | Publication | |
(1998) | Study to investigate incorporation of needs of sports spectators in stadia design in Ireland. The Barbour Index Microfiche No. 7120.
Fitzgerald, K., Fallon, E., (1998) Study to investigate incorporation of needs of sports spectators in stadia design in Ireland. The Barbour Index Microfiche No. 7120. The Barbour Index Microfiche No. 7120 D16 Other Item [Details] |