Ms Louise Hannon

BA, BAI, PostGradDip, Chartered Engineer

Contact Details

Civil Engineering
School of Engineering
& Informatics
NUI Galway


Louise Hannon is a Research Fellow NUI Galway and a graduate of Civil Engineering at Trinity College Dublin. Louise has a strong background Civil Engineering Design and Project Management having worked in Civil Engineering Consultancy for many years and led the road and arterial drainage design of some of Ireland’s major  infrastructure projects. Louise was an Associate at Roughan & O’Donovan Consulting Engineers from 2001 and opened the company’s Galway Office in 2008. Louise joined NUI Galway in 2013 as a Research Engineer as part of an Enterprise Ireland funded research project concerned with the remote operational monitoring of water treatment facilities and completed a Research Masters in Engineering Science in the area of water and working in 2016. In 2015, Louise was appointed as Project Manager of the the  €4.2 million EU FP7 Waternomics Research Project. In January 2017, this Project was successfully accepted by the commission with the highest commendation. Concurrent to the Waternomics Project, Louise began work, in 2016, on a €8.1 million, 4-year EU H2020 Project INNOQUA which seeks to progress to commercialisation an innovative nature based waste water treatment system. Louise project manages NUI Galway's extensive administrative and technical extensive commitments in the project.  In 2018, Louise gained a professional diploma in project management with the Institute of Project Management. In 2019, Louise secured €4.3 million funding for a 4-year long Interreg NWE Project ENERGE which seeks to address the issue of energy usage in the ageing post primary school building stock in North-West Europe. The ENERGE Project is led by NUI Galway and Louise is Co-PI of the Project. Louise is a member of the NUI Galway Green Campus Committee and the NUI Galway Community and University Sustainability Programme Board. Louise's research interests span a variety of areas related to water and energy management, waste water management and transportation with particular interest in improving resource management by impacting human behaviour. 
Louise Hannon is a Research Fellow NUI Galway and a graduate of Civil Engineering at Trinity College Dublin. Louise has a strong background Civil Engineering Design and Project Management having worked in Civil Engineering Consultancy for many years and led the road and arterial drainage design of some of Ireland’s major  infrastructure projects. Louise was an Associate at Roughan & O’Donovan Consulting Engineers from 2001 and opened the company’s Galway Office in 2008. Louise joined NUI Galway in 2013 as a Research Engineer as part of an Enterprise Ireland funded research project concerned with the remote operational monitoring of water treatment facilities and completed a Research Masters in Engineering Science in the area of water and working in 2016. In 2015, Louise was appointed as Project Manager of the the  €4.2 million EU FP7 Waternomics Research Project. In January 2017, this Project was successfully accepted by the commission with the highest commendation. Concurrent to the Waternomics Project, Louise began work, in 2016, on a €8.1 million, 4-year EU H2020 Project INNOQUA which seeks to progress to commercialisation an innovative nature based waste water treatment system. Louise project manages NUI Galway's extensive administrative and technical extensive commitments in the project.  In 2018, Louise gained a professional diploma in project management with the Institute of Project Management. In 2019, Louise secured €4.3 million funding for a 4-year long Interreg NWE Project ENERGE which seeks to address the issue of energy usage in the ageing post primary school building stock in North-West Europe. The ENERGE Project is led by NUI Galway and Louise is Co-PI of the Project. Louise is a member of the NUI Galway Green Campus Committee and the NUI Galway Community and University Sustainability Programme Board. Louise's research interests span a variety of areas related to water and energy management, waste water management and transportation with particular interest in improving resource management by impacting human behaviour. 
Louise Hannon is a Research Fellow NUI Galway and a graduate of Civil Engineering at Trinity College Dublin. Louise has a strong background Civil Engineering Design and Project Management having worked in Civil Engineering Consultancy for many years and led the road and arterial drainage design of some of Ireland’s major  infrastructure projects. Louise was an Associate at Roughan & O’Donovan Consulting Engineers from 2001 and opened the company’s Galway Office in 2008. Louise joined NUI Galway in 2013 as a Research Engineer as part of an Enterprise Ireland funded research project concerned with the remote operational monitoring of water treatment facilities and completed a Research Masters in Engineering Science in the area of water and working in 2016. In 2015, Louise was appointed as Project Manager of the the  €4.2 million EU FP7 Waternomics Research Project. In January 2017, this Project was successfully accepted by the commission with the highest commendation. Concurrent to the Waternomics Project, Louise began work, in 2016, on a €8.1 million, 4-year EU H2020 Project INNOQUA which seeks to progress to commercialisation an innovative nature based waste water treatment system. Louise project manages NUI Galway's extensive administrative and technical extensive commitments in the project.  In 2018, Louise gained a professional diploma in project management with the Institute of Project Management. In 2019, Louise secured €4.3 million funding for a 4-year long Interreg NWE Project ENERGE which seeks to address the issue of energy usage in the ageing post primary school building stock in North-West Europe. The ENERGE Project is led by NUI Galway and Louise is Co-PI of the Project. Louise is a member of the NUI Galway Green Campus Committee and the NUI Galway Community and University Sustainability Programme Board. Louise's research interests span a variety of areas related to water and energy management, waste water management and transportation with particular interest in improving resource management by impacting human behaviour.