Mr Richard Barrett


Contact Details

Lecturer Above The Bar
Room 2030
Alice Perry Engineering Building
University of Galway


Dr Richard Barrett is a Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering, specialising in computational materials design and microstructural evolution of metallic alloys. He received a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Galway, concentrating on the modelling and design of high temperature resistant steels from a physical basis. His research interests include computational materials design, thermodynamics and precipitate kinetics modelling, dislocation-mechanics, high temperature creep, fatigue, oxidation and corrosion, austenitic-to-martensitic phase transformations in shape memory alloys, Fe-C and Fe-Ni steels and Ti-alloys, additive manufacturing and digital hydraulics.

Research Interests

Computational materials design
Thermodynamics and precipitate kinetics modelling
High temperature creep, fatigue, oxidation and corrosion
Austenitic-to-martensitic phase transformations in shape memory alloys, Fe-C and Fe-Ni steels and Ti-alloys
Additive manufacturing
Digital hydraulics

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2025) 'Combined Gleeble physical welding simulation and low-cycle thermo-mechanical fatigue for heat-affected zone material for 9Cr steel: Experimental testing and through-process model'
MacArdghail, P; Barrett, RA; Harrison, NM; Sabirov, I; LLorca, J; Leen, SB (2025) 'Combined Gleeble physical welding simulation and low-cycle thermo-mechanical fatigue for heat-affected zone material for 9Cr steel: Experimental testing and through-process model'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Three-dimensional representative modelling for fretting wear and fatigue of submarine power cable conductors'
Poon, C; Mhurchadha, SU; Barrett, RA; Leen SB (2024) 'Three-dimensional representative modelling for fretting wear and fatigue of submarine power cable conductors'. International Journal Of Fatigue, [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Fretting wear and fatigue in submarine power cable conductors for floating offshore wind energy'
Poon, C; O¿Halloran, SM; Connolly, A; Barrett, RA; Leen, SB (2023) 'Fretting wear and fatigue in submarine power cable conductors for floating offshore wind energy'. Tribology International, [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Finite element modelling for mitigation of residual stress and distortion in macro-scale powder bed fusion components'
Zhou, J; Barrett, RA; Leen, SB (2023) 'Finite element modelling for mitigation of residual stress and distortion in macro-scale powder bed fusion components'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Global and local modeling for inter¿wire fretting in multi¿wire copper conductors'
Poon, CT; Barrett, RA; Leen, SB (2022) 'Global and local modeling for inter¿wire fretting in multi¿wire copper conductors'. Fatigue And Fracture Of Engineering Materials And Structures, [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Three-dimensional finite element modelling for additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V components: Effect of scanning strategies on temperature history and residual stress'
Zhou, J; Barrett, RA; Leen, SB (2022) 'Three-dimensional finite element modelling for additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V components: Effect of scanning strategies on temperature history and residual stress'. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes, [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'A dislocation-based yield strength model for nano-indentation size effect'
Tao, Ping and Ye, Fei and Gong, Jianming and Barrett, Richard A and Leen, Se\'an B (2021) 'A dislocation-based yield strength model for nano-indentation size effect'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 235 (6):1238-1247 [Details]
(2021) 'Towards a process-structure model for Ti-6Al-4V during additive manufacturing'
Yang, Xinyu and Barrett, Richard A and Tong, Mingming and Harrison, Noel M and Leen, Sean B (2021) 'Towards a process-structure model for Ti-6Al-4V during additive manufacturing'. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 61 :428-439 [Details]
(2021) 'A physically-based structure-property model for additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V'
Yang, Xinyu and Barrett, Richard A and Harrison, Noel M and Leen, Sean B (2021) 'A physically-based structure-property model for additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V'. Materials \& Design, 205 [Details]
(2021) 'A dislocation mechanics constitutive model for effects of welding-induced microstructural transformation on cyclic plasticity and low-cycle fatigue for X100Q bainitic steel'
Devaney, Ronan J and Barrett, Richard A and O'Donoghue, Padraic E and Leen, Se\'an B (2021) 'A dislocation mechanics constitutive model for effects of welding-induced microstructural transformation on cyclic plasticity and low-cycle fatigue for X100Q bainitic steel'. International Journal of Fatigue, 145 [Details]
(2021) 'Characterisation of LCF performance of X100 weld-joints: Mechanistic yield strength modelling, finite element analyses and DIC testing'
Long, DJ and Devaney, RJ and O'Donoghue, PE and Song, H and Barrett, RA and Leen, SB (2021) 'Characterisation of LCF performance of X100 weld-joints: Mechanistic yield strength modelling, finite element analyses and DIC testing'. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes, 3 [Details]
(2021) 'A physically-based method for predicting high temperature fatigue crack initiation in P91 welded steel'
Zhou, Jinbiao and Barrett, Richard A and Leen, Sean B (2021) 'A physically-based method for predicting high temperature fatigue crack initiation in P91 welded steel'. International Journal of Fatigue, 153 [Details]
(2021) 'Dual-phase cohesive zone modelling and experimental validation for hydrogen-assisted cracking of 2205 duplex stainless steel'
Tao, Ping and Ye, Fei and Liu, Hang and Gong, Jianming and Yang, Xinyu and Barrett, Richard A and Leen, Se\'an B (2021) 'Dual-phase cohesive zone modelling and experimental validation for hydrogen-assisted cracking of 2205 duplex stainless steel'. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 190 [Details]
(2021) 'Welding-induced yield strength heterogeneity in X100Q: Modelling and characterisation'
Long, DJ and Devaney, RJ and Leen, SB and Barrett, RA (2021) 'Welding-induced yield strength heterogeneity in X100Q: Modelling and characterisation'. Materials Today Communications, 29 [Details]
(2021) 'Characterization of thermal aging effects on the creep performance of T91 using small punch creep testing'
\'O'Murch\'u (2021) 'Characterization of thermal aging effects on the creep performance of T91 using small punch creep testing'. Fatigue \& Fracture of Engineering Materials \& Structures, 44 (8):2000-2014 [Details]
(2020) 'Experimental and computational characterization of the effect of manufacturing-induced defects on high temperature, low-cycle fatigue for MarBN'
O'Hara, EM and Phelan, B and Osgerby, S and Barrett, RA and Raghavendra, R and Leen, SB and Harrison, NM (2020) 'Experimental and computational characterization of the effect of manufacturing-induced defects on high temperature, low-cycle fatigue for MarBN'. Materialia, 12 [Details]
(2020) 'Prediction of microstructure evolution for additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V'
Yang, Xinyu and Barrett, Richard A and Tong, Mingming and Harrison, Noel M and Leen, Sean B (2020) 'Prediction of microstructure evolution for additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V'. Procedia Manufacturing, 47 :1178-1183 [Details]
(2019) 'A precipitate evolution-based continuum damage mechanics model of creep behaviour in welded 9Cr steel at high temperature'
\'O Murch\'u (2019) 'A precipitate evolution-based continuum damage mechanics model of creep behaviour in welded 9Cr steel at high temperature'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 233 (1):39-51 [Details]
(2019) 'Thermomechanical fatigue in 9-12Cr steels: Life prediction models and the effect of tensile dwell periods'
Barrett, Richard A and Hyde, Christopher J and O'Donoghue, Padraic E and Leen, Sean B (2019) 'Thermomechanical fatigue in 9-12Cr steels: Life prediction models and the effect of tensile dwell periods'. International Journal of Fatigue, 126 :335-345 [Details]
(2019) 'Predictions of ICHAZ Cyclic Thermomechanical Response in GTAW Process for 9Cr Steels'
Mac Ardghail, Padraig and Barrett, Richard A and Harrison, Noel and Leen, Sean B (2019) 'Predictions of ICHAZ Cyclic Thermomechanical Response in GTAW Process for 9Cr Steels'. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 141 (2) [Details]
(2018) 'The effect of inclusions on the high-temperature low-cycle fatigue performance of cast MarBN: Experimental characterisation and computational modelling'
O'Hara, EM and Harrison, NM and Polomski, BK and Barrett, RA and Leen, Sean B (2018) 'The effect of inclusions on the high-temperature low-cycle fatigue performance of cast MarBN: Experimental characterisation and computational modelling'. Fatigue \& Fracture of Engineering Materials \& Structures, 41 (11):2288-2304 [Details]
(2018) 'A physically-based high temperature yield strength model for 9Cr steels'
Barrett, Richard A and O’Donoghue, Padraic E and Leen, Sean B (2018) 'A physically-based high temperature yield strength model for 9Cr steels'. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 730 :410-424 [Details]
(2017) 'Influence of material inhomogeneity on the mechanical response of a tempered martensite steel'
Li, Ming and Sun, FW and Barrett, Richard A and Meade, E and Li, DF and O’Donoghue, Padraic E and Leen, Sean B and O’Dowd, Noel P (2017) 'Influence of material inhomogeneity on the mechanical response of a tempered martensite steel'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 231 (1-2):14-22 [Details]
(2017) 'Fatigue damage characterisation of MarBN steel for high temperature flexible operating conditions'
O’Hara, Eimear M and Harrison, Noel M and Polomski, BK and Barrett, Richard A and Leen, Sean B (2017) 'Fatigue damage characterisation of MarBN steel for high temperature flexible operating conditions'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 231 (1-2):23-37 [Details]
(2017) 'A physically-based creep damage model for effects of different precipitate types'
Murch\'u (2017) 'A physically-based creep damage model for effects of different precipitate types'. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 682 :714-722 [Details]
(2017) 'A multi-scale crystal plasticity model for cyclic plasticity and low-cycle fatigue in a precipitate-strengthened steel at elevated temperature'
Li, Dong-Feng and Barrett, Richard A and O'Donoghue, Padraic E and O'Dowd, Noel P and Leen, Sean B (2017) 'A multi-scale crystal plasticity model for cyclic plasticity and low-cycle fatigue in a precipitate-strengthened steel at elevated temperature'. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 101 :44-62 [Details]
(2017) 'A physically-based constitutive model for high temperature microstructural degradation under cyclic deformation'
Barrett, Richard A and O'Donoghue, Padraic E and Leen, Sean B (2017) 'A physically-based constitutive model for high temperature microstructural degradation under cyclic deformation'. International Journal of Fatigue, 100 :388-406 [Details]
(2016) 'Micromechanical finite element modelling of thermo-mechanical fatigue for P91 steels'
Li, Dong-Feng and Barrett, Richard A and O’Donoghue, Padraic E and Hyde, Chris J and O’Dowd, Noel P and Leen, Sean B (2016) 'Micromechanical finite element modelling of thermo-mechanical fatigue for P91 steels'. International Journal of Fatigue, 87 :192-202 [Details]
(2016) 'Cyclic plasticity of welded P91 material for simple and complex power plant connections'
Li, Ming and Barrett, Richard A and Scully, Stephen and Harrison, Noel M and Leen, Sean B and O’Donoghue, Padraic E (2016) 'Cyclic plasticity of welded P91 material for simple and complex power plant connections'. International Journal of Fatigue, 87 :391-404 [Details]
(2016) 'Effect of high-temperature corrosion on the service life of P91 piping in biomass co-firing'
O'Hagan, CP and Barrett, Richard A and Leen, Sean B and Monaghan, Rory FD (2016) 'Effect of high-temperature corrosion on the service life of P91 piping in biomass co-firing'. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 138 (2) [Details]
(2016) 'High-temperature low-cycle fatigue behavior of MarBN at 600 C'
Barrett, Richard A and O'Hara, Eimear M and O'Donoghue, Padraic E and Leen, Sean B (2016) 'High-temperature low-cycle fatigue behavior of MarBN at 600 C'. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 138 (4) [Details]
(2014) 'Experimental characterisation and computational constitutive'
Barrett, Richard A (2014) 'Experimental characterisation and computational constitutive'. Materials Science, 92 :286-297 [Details]
(2014) 'A unified viscoplastic model for high temperature low cycle fatigue of service-aged P91 steel'
Barrett, RA and Farragher, TP and Hyde, Christopher J and O'Dowd, NP and O'Donoghue, PE and Leen, Sean B (2014) 'A unified viscoplastic model for high temperature low cycle fatigue of service-aged P91 steel'. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 136 (2) [Details]
(2014) 'A dislocation-based model for high temperature cyclic viscoplasticity of 9--12Cr steels'
Barrett, Richard A and O’Donoghue, Peter E and Leen, Sean B (2014) 'A dislocation-based model for high temperature cyclic viscoplasticity of 9--12Cr steels'. Computational Materials Science, 92 :286-297 [Details]
(2014) 'Multiaxial cyclic viscoplasticity model for high temperature fatigue of P91 steel'
Barrett, Richard A and Farragher, TP and O’Dowd, NP and O’Donoghue, PE and Leen, SB (2014) 'Multiaxial cyclic viscoplasticity model for high temperature fatigue of P91 steel'. Materials Science and Technology, 30 (1):67-74 [Details]
(2013) 'An improved unified viscoplastic constitutive model for strain-rate sensitivity in high temperature fatigue'
Barrett, Richard A and O’Donoghue, PE and Leen, Sean B (2013) 'An improved unified viscoplastic constitutive model for strain-rate sensitivity in high temperature fatigue'. International Journal of Fatigue, 48 :192-204 [Details]
(2013) 'An improved unified viscoplastic constitutive model for strain-rate sensitivity in high temperature fatigue'
Barrett, R.A.; O'Donoghue, P.E.; Leen, S.B. (2013) 'An improved unified viscoplastic constitutive model for strain-rate sensitivity in high temperature fatigue'. International Journal Of Fatigue, [DOI] [Details]
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Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
Semester 2, Year 3/4 Mechanical Vibrations ME352 Introductory module to dynamics and mechanical vibrations.
Semester 1, Year 4/5 Materials II ME4109 Materials module focusing on the structure of materials and how the structure affects mechanical performance of a material, with a particular emphasis on metallic and polymeric materials.
Semester 2, Year 3/4 Automated Systems ME312 An introductory course to pneumatics, electropneumatics, hydraulics, electrohydraulics, digital hydraulics and programmable logic control.